Article name Ethno-cultural competence of future specialists in the social sphere: dynamics of the communicative component
Authors Marianna Z.. ,
Bibliographic description
Category Politology
DOI 323.111
DOI 10.21209/2227-­9245-­2018-­24-­24-3-63-71
Article type Scientific
Annotation On the basis of the proposed structure of ethno – cultural competence as an element of political competence, the author reveals the dynamics of the development of one of its components-communicative, which, in turn, is represented by such elements as the manifestation of adequate behavior and actions towards representatives of other ethno-cultural groups, the ability to communicate effectively and without value with their representatives; the criteria are empathy in interpersonal communication with an indicator of emotional sintonicity in communication with the client and sensibility with an indicator of sensitivity to ethnic characteristics of the individual, as well as adaptability, communication and ability to correct behavior. The result of empirical research and comparison of the structures of political competence and ethno - cultural competence was the identification of the dynamics of the development of the communicative component of ethno-cultural competence in the implementation of ethno-and practice-oriented programs
Key words political competence; communicative component of ethno-cultural competence; ethno-cultural competence; components of ethno-cultural competence; development of ethno-cultural competence; special ethno-cultural competence; social policy; multinational multicultural region; psychological methods of research; social specialists
Article information Zhilyaeva M. Ethno-cultural competence of future specialists in the social sphere: dynamics of the communicative component // Transbaikal State University Journal, 2018, vol. 24, no. 3, pp. 63-71
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