Article name Multifunctional development of rural territories
Authors Kosenchuk O.. ,
Bibliographic description
Category Economics
DOI 338
DOI 10.21209/2227-­9245-­2018-­24-­2-108-114
Article type Scientific
Annotation In today\'s conditions, the problem of rural revival, improvement of the level and quality of life of the local population and ensuring food security of the country is becoming more acute. The main purpose of the study is to find possible directions for the development of rural areas of the Omsk region on the basis of their versatility and diversification of the rural economy. The article presents a brief theoretical analysis of the development of rural areas from domestic and foreign practice. Separate the authors associated with the development of the village with the development of the agrarian sector, others view the possibility of improving life in rural areas through diversification of rural economy. The study identified the functions performed by rural areas, the main of which are socio-demographic, industrial, economic, environmental, administrative and managerial. According to the group of indicators the assessment of the current level of socio-economic development of rural areas in the context of established functions in the Omsk region. The potential of rural areas in the development of sources and opportunities of economic activity of the population. It is determined that in the municipal districts of Omsk region from different climatic zones there are various natural, human and economic opportunities. So the Northern territories possess powerful taiga riches, in the Central part of the region labor-resource potential is concentrated, the steppe zone is rich in land resources suitable for agriculture. The necessity of diversification of rural economy as a basis of multifunctional development of rural territories in modern conditions is proved. Within the framework of the study, promising areas of multifunctional development of rural areas, such as the development of agro-tourism, harvesting and processing of wild plants, the development of agricultural logistics and others, are proposed
Key words rural areas; multifunctional development; problems; potential; diversification; perspective directions; functions; indicators; rural economy; common devel-opment strategy
Article information Kosenchuk O. Multifunctional development of rural territories // Transbaikal State University Journal, 2018, vol. 24, no. 2, pp. 108-114
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