Article name Possibilities of the theory of public choice in studies of parliamentarism in post-Soviet countries
Authors Shabolotov T.. ,
Bibliographic description
Category Politology
DOI 172.3
DOI 10.21209/2227-­9245-­2018-­24-­2-74-80
Article type Scientific
Annotation The article examines the possibility of using the methodology of public choice theory in studies of parliamentarism and political processes in general in the post-Soviet countries. The concept of “economic man” is considered, which allows to model the political sphere as a political market, to which the instrument for analyzing conditions and characteristics of equilibrium is applied. The motives of political behavior are described: the motive of consumption and the investment motive. A methodological task is defined, which is to characterize specific aspects of the application of the model of the economic man for the analysis of the behavior of subjects of political decision making. Constitutional political economy is considered, in which it is not the traditional choice of a person within the existing limitations that is analyzed, but the rational choice of the restrictions themselves in the form of constitutional rules. The notion of “lobbying” is given and “models of comprehensive rationality” are considered. A dualism is presented, according to which a positivist view of the functioning of the political sphere of society presupposes the existence of an institutional system that transforms the selfish motives of the subjects\' behavior into altruistic ones. But the realistic view proceeds from models of political behavior that focus on the selfish motivation of behavior. This proves that the model of an economic person is more realistic under certain conditions when considering the behavior of political subjects
Key words parliamentarism; methodology; research strategies; approaches; theory of public choice; lobbyism; selfishness; altruism; positivism; rationality
Article information Shabolotov T. Possibilities of the theory of public choice in studies of parliamentarism in post-Soviet countries // Transbaikal State University Journal, 2018, vol. 24, no. 2, pp. 81-90
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