Article name On the political aspects of the construction of religious buildings in Russia in the XIX and early XX centuries
Authors Bernukevich T.. ,
Bibliographic description
Category Politology
DOI 322.2
DOI 10.21209/2227-­9245-­2018-­24-­2-47-58
Article type Scientific
Annotation The purpose of the article is to analyze the political issues of the construction of religious buildings in Russia in the XIX – early XXI century. The objectives of the study: to determine the theoretical and methodological basis for studying these problems, to identify a range of sources on this topic, to clarify the areas of consideration of the political aspects to build religious buildings in Russia, to examine the urban development practices associated with the creation of such objects, and to outline its political factors. The integrated approach that allows us to consider different directions of studying ethno-confessional aspects of urban policy and determine their relevance is used in the research. Within the framework of the transdisciplinary method, which integrates data from different scientific disciplines, a substantive analysis of the political issues of the construction of cultural structures is carried out. The use of the comparative method helps to identify the features of the political foundations for the religious objects construction in Russia in different historical periods. The analysis of media information and historical documents that determine the rules for the construction and maintenance of religious buildings makes it possible to identify a number of features of the ethnoreligious policy of the Russian Empire, the USSR, and the Russian Federation. All of them are reflected in this area of urban development: the trend of using the traditional values of religions as ideological basis; an attempt to form a national idea of the Russian statehood with recognition of the different nations contribution to its history; realization of the principles of religious tolerance and coexistence of religions within the framework of civil consent; the role of certain ethnic and religious elites, the possibility of lobbying their interests Key words: religious policy; urban policy; cultural policy; religious buildings; ethno-confessional relations; cultural space; religious situation; political factors; methods; analysis of historical documents.
Key words religious policy; urban policy; cultural policy; religious buildings; ethno-confessional relations; cultural space; religious situation; political factors; methods; analysis of historical documents
Article information Bernyukevich T. On the political aspects of the construction of religious buildings in Russia in the XIX and early XX centuries // Transbaikal State University Journal, 2018, vol. 24, no. 2, pp. 47-58
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Full articleOn the political aspects of the construction of religious buildings in Russia in the XIX and early XX centuries