Article name Regional aspect of ecological safety of the urban air environment in the conditions of intercontinental intermontane basins
Authors Shcherbatyuk A.. ,
Bibliographic description
Category Earth science
DOI 550.05: 504.064
DOI 10.21209/2227-­9245-­2018-­24-­2-22-38
Article type Scientific
Annotation The relevance of the study of mountain regions is determined by their ecological, economic, economic and resource potential. In this connection, there is a need for a scientific understanding of the geoecological aspects of the functioning of natural-technical systems in the conditions of intercontinental intermontane basins, including the interaction of the natural and man-made subsystems. As a subject of research, natural-technical systems of the federal level of the Russian Federation are considered. The task of the study is to study the aspects of environmental safety of the urban air environment in the conditions of intercontinental intermontane basins, based on the identification of natural and anthropogenic factors. The purpose of the study is to assess the environmental safety of the air in the territories of the Federal Districts of the Russian Federation. The methodology of the study is comparative-geographical, cartographic, method of geographical zoning and method of remote observations. The study allows us to formulate the following conclusions: the classical method has been improved and a new methodology for the geoecological assessment and forecast of the quality of atmospheric air at the federal level has been developed; the degree of intensity of the environmental situation in the territory (current assessment and forecast) are determined by five indicators, including 48 indicators. The work establishes the relationship between the total emission of pollutants, the location of cities in the intercontinental intermontane basins and the number of respiratory diseases. The ecological safety of the air environment of RF regions and cities located in the conditions of intercontinental intermontane basins is determined by means of an integral criterion on the basis of taking into account natural and anthropogenic factors influencing the formation of air pollution. The results of a geoecological assessment of the natural-technical systems of the federal districts of the Russian Federation are presented
Key words intercontinental intermontane basins; atmospheric air; geoecological assessment; natural and anthropogenic factors; environmental safety; safety indicators; forecast; research methodology; methods; exponents
Article information Scherbatyuk A. Regional aspect of ecological safety of the urban air environment in the conditions of intercontinental intermontane basins // Transbaikal State University Journal, 2018, vol. 24, no. 2, pp. 22-38
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Full articleRegional aspect of ecological safety of the urban air environment in the conditions of intercontinental intermontane basins