Article name Theoretical problems of representative democracy in the Kyrgyz Republic
Authors Shabolotov T.. ,
Bibliographic description Shabolotov T. Theoretical problems of representative democracy in the Kyrgyz Republic // Transbaikal State University Journal, 2018, vol. 24, no. 1, pp. 107–115
Category Politology
DOI 324
DOI 10.21209/2227-­9245-­2018-­24-­1-­107­-115
Article type Scientific
Annotation The theoretical and practical aspects of the dualism of the egoistic materialistic motivation of the electorate of the Kyrgyz Republic and its expectations of altruistic political behavior from the elected deputies of the Jogorku Kenesh (Parliament) are considered. The effectiveness of the use of theoretical models of the "sociological person" is proved. It is revealed that the dualism of the egoistic materialistic motivation of the electorate and its expectations of altruistic political behavior from elected representatives can be resolved in several ways. It is noted that for Kyrgyzstan the first option is to further reduce the window of opportunities for deputies of the Jogorku Kenesh and the political parties entering it, which does not yet lead to the desired results. It is established that the proposals on the regulation of the order of formation of party lists, the introduction of a mixed form of elections can improve the form, but do not solve the problem itself. It is shown that the second option assumes the recognition of the neo-liberal foundations of all aspects of the life of the Kyrgyz society, but the question of introducing the institution of lobbying in Kyrgyzstan is already rejected at the stage of its formulation. It is scientifically grounded that the idea of the third variant lies in the ideological plane. It is proved that to resolve an existing dilemma it is necessary to change the rationalistic, selfish imperatives of society on the moral values of service, collectivism, decency, etc. It is concluded that neither in Kyrgyzstan, nor in Russia there is an official, normatively-fixed state ideology. According to the author's position, this fundamental problem should be solved, first of all, on the basis of broad public consensus
Key words parliamentarism; Jogorku Kenesh; Kyrgyz Republic; rationalism; altruism; neoliberalism; lobbyism; State Duma; dichotomy; preferences
Article information
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