Article name Ways of improvement of information and communication technologies in Russia and regions
Authors Kucharsky A.. ,
Bibliographic description Kucharsky A. Ways of improvement of information and communication technologies in Russia and regions // Transbaikal State University Journal, 2018, vol. 24, no. 1, pp. 59–64
Category Earth science
DOI 11.15.41
DOI 10.21209/2227­-9245­-2018-­24-­1-­59-­64
Article type Scientific
Annotation The directions of development of information and telecommunication technologies of Russia are considered. It was revealed that these technologies play a huge role in the development of social and economic processes. The modern period of the development of society is called the stage of informatization. It is noted that the use of information and communication technologies provides ample opportunities for socio-economic growth and improve the material, spiritual and intellectual standards of people's lives. Areas directions in which information and communication technologies can have a direct impact on the socio-political relations of society are outlined. A rating was made on information and communication technologies in Russia and its regions, which was formed on the basis of the methodology for assessing the level of development of information and communication technologies in the subjects of Russia, developed in accordance with the provisions of the Concept of Regional Informatization approved by the Russian Federation Government Decree No. 2769-r of December 29, 2014. The high efficiency of the institute of free access to official information is shown, which has special hopes associated with counteracting corruption. It is concluded that there is a lack of consolidation of modern public-state control systems over the implementation of norms and protection of the rights of its subjects to the proper quality of access to information on the activities of government agencies and local governments
Key words information and communication technologies; Russia; regions; world leader; information criteria; rating; informatization; information security; International Telecommunication Union; world arena; municipalities; China; information protection
Article information
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