Article name On the Peculiarities of the Formation and Application of a Risk-Based Approach in State Supervision in the Field of Circulation of Medicines for Veterinary Use
Authors Paltsun I.N. candidate of economic sciences, associate professor, assistant professor, Digital Analy­tics and Control department,
Vaschenko L.A. candidate of economic sciences, associate professor, head of Digital Analytics and Control department,
Bibliographic description Paltsun I. N., Vaschenko L. A. On the peculiarities of the formation and application of a risk-based approach in state supervision in the field of circulation of medicines for veterinary use // Transbaikal State University Journal. 2024. Vol. 30, no. 4. P. 128–138. DOI: 10.21209/2227-9245-2024-30-4-128-138.
Category Economy
DOI 336.025: 332.021.8
DOI 10.21209/2227-9245-2024-30-4-128-138
Article type Original article
Annotation In recent years, the Russian Federation has carried out large-scale work to form a “new” model of state control and supervision. International experience shows active implementation and expansion of the application scope of the approach focused on risk management. The object of the study is a risk-oriented approach in the work of state control and supervision bodies. The purpose of this study is to analyze the formation and implementation of a risk-oriented approach in the activities of the Fe­deral Service for Veterinary and Phytosanitary Surveillance in the field of circulation of drugs for veterinary use. The following are solved: to conduct a retrospective analysis of the regulatory framework for the evolution of a risk-oriented approach in a separate department; to evaluate the current methodology of a risk-oriented approach in state supervision in the field of circulation of drugs for veterinary use, to identify advantages, disadvantages and offer recommendations for improvement. The authors use methods of dialectical and systems approaches, general scientific and economic-statistical methods, retrospective analysis, modeling. Statistical analysis is carried out on the basis of official reports and analytical notes of the Ministry of Economic Development, Rosselkhoznadzor. In 2015, Rosselkhoznadzor began actively implementing a risk management-oriented strategy. Today, it can be argued that this approach is fragmentarily integrated into the agency’s activities. The authors offer recommendations for improving the methodology of the risk-oriented approach in the system of state control over the circulation of veterinary drugs. The success of the method’s implementation is confirmed by the analysis presented in the article. The key problems of the risk-oriented approach in the field of control and supervision that require urgent adjustment are also identified.
Key words finance, risk, risk management, control, medicinal products, control and supervisory activities, veterinary supervision, state supervision, criteria, efficiency, risk-oriented approach
Article information
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Full articleOn the Peculiarities of the Formation and Application of a Risk-Based Approach in State Supervision in the Field of Circulation of Medicines for Veterinary Use