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Currently there are 215 specially protected natural areas of various categories in the Republic of Bashkortostan, which is 7.2 % of the total area. These indicators are less than the all-Russian level; moreover, specially protected areas are located unevenly. In the conditions of intensive development of the mining industry, the landscapes of the Bashkir Trans-Urals are especially vulnerable, which accounts for the smallest share of protected areas. The article considers the prospects for organizing specially protected natural areas in the southern part of the Irendyk ridge within the Baymak district of the Republic of Bashkortostan. The purpose of work is the development of recommendations for a specially protected natural areas network development of the Republic of Bashkortostan within the Bashkir Trans-Urals. The object of the research is a network of specially protected natural areas (SPNA) in the Republic of Bashkortostan. The subject is the prospects for the development of the PA network in the Republic of Bashkortostan, with an emphasis on the Bashkir Trans-Urals. The methods included collecting and summarizing existing information, route and distance studies. The territory is characterized by high biological and landscape diversity. Mountain steppes are the place of growth of relics and endemics, there are 10 species of such in the study area, 41 species of rare and endangered plants are noted. Examples are bedrock outcrops (diabases) in the ridge of the Schrau-Tau, Kynyshtau massifs near the village Baishevo, which are evidence of underwater volcanism in the Paleozoic; jasper and jasper-containing rocks, which are a part of the Jasper belt, the basin of the ancient lake Sagykul. In the southern Irendyk, an abnormally high concentration of archaeological sites is recorded, which also need protection and protection. The study area meets the requirements of the organization of protected areas of the regional level and is promising for a specially protected areas network development of the Republic of Bashkortostan.
References |
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