Article name Microelement Composition of Ash and Slag Waste of the Transbaikal Territory
Authors Sidorova G. . doctor of technical sciences, professor,
Manikovsky P.M. ,
Bibliographic description Sidorova G. P., Manikovsky P. M. Microelement composition of ash and slag waste of the Transbaikal Territory // Transbaikal State University Journal. 2024. Vol. 30, no. 4. P. 8–17. DOI: 10.21209/2227-9245-2024-30-4-8-17.
Category Earth and Environmental Sciences
DOI 662.613.1:504.75.06
DOI 10.21209/2227-9245-2024-30-4-8-17
Article type Review article
Annotation Fossil coal consists of organic and inorganic parts. The inorganic part is in the form of minerals. In the composition of inorganic matter, two chemical groups of elements are distinguished: ash-forming or main, constituting about 99 % of all inorganic matter; impurity or minor elements (about 1 % of the total inorganic matter). Among the impurity elements there may be rare valuable metals such as Ge, Ga, U, etc. Sometimes, the cost of rare metals in coal may exceed the cost of the coal itself, and then these coals are considered as low-balance mineral raw materials, and their organic matter found in their composition as a by-product. The article provides overview information on the results of studies already conducted and currently ongoing on the issue of the safe inclusion of ash and slag waste, which occupies vast areas near coal-fired power plants, into industrial circulation through their integrated use. The object of the research is coal combustion waste. The subject of the study is ash and slag waste from Transbaikal coal power plants. The purpose of the work is to assess the mineral composition of ash and slag waste in the Transbaikal Territory. The objective of the research is to obtain reliable information about the content and distribution of chemical elements in the inorganic matter of Transbaikal coals, which turn into ash and slag waste after combustion. The research methods are as follows: analytical research and processing of archival materials from previously carried out work; field testing of ash and sludge waste using modern instruments; processing of laboratory samples using modern laboratory equipment. The result of the research will be: assessment of the elemental composition of inorganic matter in coals based on the analysis of ash and slag waste and their potential impact on the ecological state of adjacent areas during combustion; typification of chemical elements of inorganic matter in Transbaikal coals: valuable components, potentially valuable, toxic, potentially toxic, technologically harmful and technologically useful.
Key words chemical elements, ecological state, inorganic substance, valuable components, research methods, ash and slag waste, fly ash, coal deposits, natural radionuclides, impurity elements
Article information
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Full articleMicroelement Composition of Ash and Slag Waste of the Transbaikal Territory