Article name Prospects for Coal Generation
Authors Sidorova G. . doctor of technical sciences, professor,
Manikovsky P.M. ,
Gushchina T.. postgraduate,
Bibliographic description Sidorova G. P., Manikovsky P. M., Gushchina T. O. Prospects for Coal Generation // Transbaikal State University Journal. 2024. Vol. 30, no. 3. P. 38–48. DOI: 10.21209/2227-9245-2024-30-3-38-48.
Category Earth and Environmental Sciences
DOI 662.62/662.613.1
DOI 10.21209/2227-9245-2024-30-3-38-48
Article type Review article
Annotation The article provides overview information on the state and problems of coal generation in Russia and the world. The main problem of coal energy is the environmental safety of the industry. Tightening environmental requirements for air purity from pollutants emitted by coal-fired thermal power plants has led to many countries beginning to abandon coal-fired generation in favor of alternative energy sources. The volume of investments in coal industry projects began to decline, and in a number of countries they planned to completely abandon it in the medium term. The prospect for the development of coal generation in Russia and the world is one of the most pressing topics for discussion, which has been repeatedly discussed on various information platforms, including in the international context. Experts from many countries in Russia and the world regularly present their researches on the importance of coal generation, coal reserves and energy consumption of coal fuel, and the environmental safety of the industry. The object of the study is the problems of coal generation in Russia and the world. The purpose of the work is to analyze and quantify the distribution of coal power generation capacity, assess the environmental problems associated with coal generation. The objective of the research is to obtain reliable information to assess the quantitative characteristics of energy consumption and environmental safety of the industry. The methods in the study consisted in analyzing information data from analytical agencies and publicly available materials. The results of analytical studies presented in the article indicate that in the near future, thermal energy will remain predominant in the energy balance of individual countries of the world. However, solving problems of environmental safety of fuel energy requires a centralized approach, significant financial investments and the creation of an appropriate regulatory framework.
Key words coal generation, energy consumption of coal fuel, thermal power plants, emissions, ash and slag waste, quality, analysis, environmental safety, dominant sources of electricity, alternative energy sources
Article information
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