Article name Geoecological Mapping of Urbanized Territories of the Transbaikal Territory Using a Convolutional Neural Network
Authors Kochev D.. ,
Bibliographic description Kochev D. V. Geoecological Mapping of Urbanized Territories of the Transbaikal Territory Using a Convolutional Neural Network // Transbaikal State University Journal. 2024. Vol. 30, no. 3. P. 27–37. DOI: 10.21209/2227-9245-2024-30-3-27-37.
Category Earth and Environmental Sciences
DOI 502/ 504; 528.88
DOI 10.21209/2227-9245-2024-30-3-27-37
Article type Original article
Annotation Floods pose a serious threat to economies and communities, but their danger is often underestimated. As a result, potentially dangerous areas of economic territories are subject to intensive development, which leads to damage when they are flooded. The use of modern methods of remote sensing of the Earth in combination with deep learning algorithms can significantly increase the efficiency and accuracy of mapping these territories and makes it possible to effectively manage them, optimizing the processes of planning and development of territories, reducing damage due to flooding. The object of the study is flood-prone areas of settlements in the Transbaikal Territory. The goal of the study is to improve geoecological mapping of the economic use of residential areas of the Transbaikal Territory that are prone to floods during the inter-flood period. The research objectives are as follows: image processing; visualization of objects belonging to different classes of economic use; analysis and assessment of changes within hazardous areas; checking the results obtained using a convolutional neural network; development of a software product that allows you to inform interested parties about the presence of dangerous territories. The methodology and me­thods are presented by research methods in the field of remote sensing of the Earth and processing of cartographic information. High-resolution remote sensing data, freely distributed by Google Earth services, and data from UAVs were obtained. The data is given in raster format and has a coordinate reference. Data processing has been carried out using the U-Net convolutional neural network and image processing by using a neural network and visualization of objects belonging to different classes of economic use of territories. A retrospective analysis and assessment of development changes in hazardous areas has also been peformed. The data obtained show active individual construction in the danger zone. The adequacy of the results obtained using a convolutional neural network was checked. A software product has been developed to determine the presence of hazardous areas within populated areas, which can significantly increase the efficiency and accuracy of mapping economic activities in populated areas.
Key words flood-prone areas, floods, decryption, remote sensing of the Earth, neural networks, machine learning, computer program, Python, damage, mapping
Article information
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Full articleGeoecological Mapping of Urbanized Territories of the Transbaikal Territory Using a Convolutional Neural Network