Article name Regional Culture as a Potential for Tourism Development in the Space of Russian-Chinese Borderland: from the Theoretical Objectification to New Reality Issues
Authors Morozova V.S. Doctor of Philosophical Sciences, Associate Professor, Professor, Chinese Philology department, Visiting Professor, Research China department, Southeast and South Asia,
Dondokov D.D. senior lecturer, Chinese Philology department,
Yakunina T.V. Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, head of the Chinese Philology department, Institute of Oriental Studies,
Bibliographic description Morozova V. S., Dondokov D. D., Yakunina T. V. Regional Сulture as a Potential for Tourism Development in the Space of Russian-Chinese Borderland: from Theoretical Objectification to New Reality Issues // Transbaikal State University Journal. 2024. Vol. 30, no. 2. P. 141–152. DOI: 10.21209/2227-9245-2024-30-2-141-152.
Category Politology
DOI 130.2 (510)
DOI 10.21209/2227-9245-2024-30-2-141-152
Article type Original article
Annotation The article focuses on cultural and civilizational potential of Russian eastern borders and China border regions. The subject of this article today seems to be particularly relevant in the context of two circumstances: firstly, tourist contacts have undergone significant transformations in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic, and secondly, the aggravating situation with the emergence of barriers to entry into the European tourism space makes China one of the most attractive regions for tourism development. The very concept of \\\\\\\"border\\\\\\\", regardless of the above, appears here not as a certain outpost, but as a unique sociocultural space where regional culture functioning is mediated by the influence of three cultural dimensions (national, local, foreign). The case of border regional pair the Transbaikal Region, Russia and North-East China shows the features of their culture’s interaction, which are of interest for integration into the processes of border tourism formation and development. The identified problems in the border tourism sector development are proposed to be solved, among other things, by updating the work on online platforms, which act as a modern space for the concentration and accumulation of tourist content in the era of digitalization. A possible solution to the above issues on the basis of the original \\\\\\\"dialogism of border area regional cultures\\\\\\\" model, its integration into the concept of tourism development in the border areas is indicated, as well as the vector of modern state policy regarding the development of tourism initiatives in the Russian-Chinese border area.
Key words Russian-Chinese borderland, Transbaikal Region, North-East China, regional culture, cross-border tourism, COVID-19 pandemic, digitalization, wanghong-city, state tourism policy, vector of state policy
Article information
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Full articleRegional Culture as a Potential for Tourism Development in the Space of Russian-Chinese Borderland: from the Theoretical Objectification to New Reality Issues