Article name Geoecological Approaches to the State of Anthropogenic Landscapes of the Raduga Garden Square in Ulan-Ude
Authors Urbanova C.B. Lecturer, Geography and Geoecology Department,
Babikov V.A. Lecturer, Technological Education and Vocational Training Department,
Bibliographic description Urbanova Ch. B., Babikov V. A. Geoecological Approaches to the State of Anthropogenic Landscapes of the Raduga Square in Ulan-Ude // Transbaikal State University Journal. 2024. Vol. 30, no. 2. P. 36–46. DOI: 10.21209/2227-9245-2024-30-2-36-46.
Category Earth and Environmental Sciences
DOI 911.3:316
DOI 10.21209/2227-9245-2024-30-2-36-46
Article type Original article
Annotation The intensification of economic activity and especially the construction of industrial or residential facilities next to recreational facilities, in most cases, negatively affects the condition of such facilities. The object of the study is Children’s park \\\\\\\"Raduga\\\\\\\" in Ulan-Ude. The goal of the study is to consider geoecological approaches to studying the state of anthropogenic landscapes, the Raduga Garden Square in Ulan-Ude, during the implementation of the state program \\\\\\\"Formation of a comfortable urban environment\\\\\\\" based on the principles of geo-urbanism and geoecology. Research objectives are as follows: implementation of a geo-ecological assessment of the state of the Raduga Garden Square; based on the assessment, phased zoning of the territory of the Raduga Garden Square; preparation of a SWOT analysis of the local residents’ attitude to the Raduga Garden Square in Ulan-Ude; implementation of a sociological survey and the allocation of focus groups of the local population living in the area of the Raduga Garden Square; development of recommendations on the project for the implementation of a comfortable urban environment. In the period of 2023, as a part of the project \\\\\\\"Formation of a comfortable urban environment\\\\\\\" implementation in the city of Ulan-Ude, the territory of the Raduga Garden Square, one of the popular recreational places for residents of the capital of the republic, has been examined, for this purpose sociological methods and methods of geo-ecological analysis of the condition are used. Anthropogenic landscapes of the park territory. It is discovered that the processes of recreational facilities renovation have begun and require scientific justification, including the standpoint of geo-urbanism and geoecology. The results of sociological and other studies of the Raduga Garden Square have showed that most of it has been subjected to anthropogenic transformation; more than half of the territory of this facility does not meet the requirements for sanitary and hygienic indicators and has a certain degree of degradation. To prevent further regression of the territory of the Raduga Garden Square, a decrease in its attractive properties associated with the anthropogenic transformation of natural components, primarily soil cover, natural vegetation, and the degree of its projective coverage, it is necessary to carry out comprehensive geo-ecological monitoring, and local authorities need to ensure the protection and improvement of the territory of this recreational facility.
Key words geo-urbanism, urban environment, cultural, sports and leisure space, geo-ecological approaches, quality of life, attraction, sociological surveys, renovation, anthropogenic landscapes
Article information
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Full articleGeoecological Approaches to the State of Anthropogenic Landscapes of the Raduga Garden Square in Ulan-Ude