Article name National Scientific Research in the Framework of European Scientific Prorities: the Case of Norway
Authors Talagaeva D.A. Candidate of Political Sciences, Associate Professor, English Language Department No. 6,
Bibliographic description Talagaeva D. A. National Scientific Research in the Framework of European Scientific Priorities: the Case of Norway // Transbaikal State University Journal. 2024. Vol. 30, no. 1. P. 162–171. DOI: 10.2109/2227-9245- 2024-30-1-162-171.
Category Politology
DOI 327.7
DOI 10.2109/2227-9245-2024-30-1-162-171
Article type Original article
Annotation The author examines to what extent national scientific research in Norway meets the pan-European principles and priorities of scientific development. The success of the interaction between European and national research efforts is a key condition for improving the competitiveness and efficiency of research in Europe. As an associated country, Norway does not have much influence on the allocation of funds from the European budget for research, nevertheless, the country is involved in all projects implemented within the framework of the European Research Area, financing and receiving funding from the EU Framework Programs. The article examines the structure of the scientific research complex, paying special attention to the main documents and institutions that determine science policy. In addition, the author studies budget formation in the scientific field in Norway, as well as the country’s participation in the international scientific cooperation. Norway’s experience is useful for understanding how nation states organize and coordinate their participation in European programs, especially in terms of addressing current and future “great challenges”. As a result of the analysis of the scientific policy carried out in Norway, the author comes to the conclusion that R&D institutions are directly adapted to the priorities of the European level, while national authorities have limited influence on the country’s European research portfolio. The purpose of the study is to analyze the interaction of the European research policy with the national research system of Norway. Research objectives: to analyze the formation of the structure and goals of European programs; to identify changes in the instruments and goals of national scientific policy; to determine the consequences of changes in scientific policy for the Norwegian research complex; to assess the level of coincidence of the interests and practices of the national scientific community with the interests and practices of the European scientific community, which is being formed at the supranational level.
Key words European research area,science policy, EU FrameworkPrograms, European sciencecooperation, research policyof the EU, science policy in Norway,European commission,the concept of neoinstitutionalism,the principleof branch responsibility,Research council of Norway,Committee of the Europeaneconomic area, scientificcommunitiesin Norway
Article information
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Full articleNational Scientific Research in the Framework of European Scientific Prorities: the Case of Norway