Article name Assessment of the Readiness of Specially Protected Natural Areas of the Transbaikal Territory to the Adversely Changing Nature of the Neighborhood (in the Context of the Economic Development of the Region)
Authors Novikov A.N. doctor of geographical sciences, associate professor,
Biksaleev A. . junior researcher,
Bibliographic description Novikov A. N., Biksaleev A. A. Assessment of the Readiness of Specially Protected Natural Areas of the Transbaikal Territory to the Adversely Changing Nature of the Neighborhood (in the Context of the Economic Development of the Region) // Transbaikal State University Journal. 2023. Vol. 29, no. 4. P. 33–43. DOI: 10.2109/2227-9245-2023-29-4-33-43.
Category Earth and Environmental Sciences
DOI 911.5/.9
DOI 10.2109/2227-9245-2023-29-4-33-43
Article type Original article
Annotation In the process of economic development of regions, the nature of the neighborhood of specially protected natural areas changes. Industrial and residential areas are expanding their boundaries, moving them towards the borders of nature reserves. The purpose of the research is to assess the readiness of specially protected natural areas of the Transbaikal Territory to the unfavorably changing nature of the neighborhood from the standpoint of domestic and foreign spatial planning practice. The research methodology is based on a combination of three concepts: optimal form of protected areas, polarized landscape of B. B. Rodoman and post-non-classical science V. S. Stepina. Domestic (L. I. Milkina) and foreign (Jared M. Diamond, Margaret Game) geographers believe that the most optimal shape for protected areas is a shape close to the shape of a circle. A circle is a geometric figure, compared to all other geometric figures, with a minimum perimeter and a maximum area. For protected areas, this fact is of great importance: the smaller the perimeter ‒ the border, the less likely it is for external threats to penetrate. The authors have adapted the methodology for calculating the ideal form of protected areas by L. I. Milkina to assess their readiness for a new neighborhood with industrial and urban areas: with a round shape ‒ ideal readiness; with a shape close to a square – acceptable readiness; in the case of an elongated rectangle shape ‒ vulnerable readiness; with a ribbon form ‒ complete unpreparedness. In reality, the shape of protected areas is far from round. The protected areas formed far from industrial facilities are surrounded by a belt of natural landscapes. The boundaries of such territories are drawn according to orographic and hydrographic objects, and the shape turned out to be far from a circle. It has been proved that there is a belt of external buffer territories. These buffer territories could disappear and be developed by industry and agriculture, populated by people; such a scenario has not been planned. Almost all protected areas demonstrate their unpreparedness for changing the nature of the neighborhood in the Transbaikal region. Acknowledgment: The article was made within the framework of the state
Key words borders, buffering, form, geoecology, geography, nature reserves, neighborhood, networks, planning, protection
Article information
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Full articleAssessment of the Readiness of Specially Protected Natural Areas of the Transbaikal Territory to the Adversely Changing Nature of the Neighborhood (in the Context of the Economic Development of the Region)