Article name Ore Quality Management in the Development of Uranium Deposits
Authors OOvseychuk V.A. doctor of engineering sciences, professor,
Bibliographic description Ovseychuk V. A. Management of the quality of ores in the development of uranium deposits // Bulletin of the Transbaikal State University. 2023. Vol. 29, no. 3. P. 66–73. DOI: 10.2109/2227-9245-2023-29-3-66-73.
Category Subsoil Use, Mining Sciences
DOI 622.272.001.33
DOI 10.2109/2227-9245-2023-29-3-66-73
Article type Original article
Annotation During the development of rocky uranium deposits, the quality of extracted ores (first of all, the uranium content in ores) is subjected to change during the technological processes of exploration, opening, preparation, cutting, extraction and ore preparation before processing the extracted mineral raw materials. At each stage, a certain level of the content of the useful component in the ores is formed. The main task of the entire mining complex is to obtain the quality of ores that will ensure maximum extraction of uranium first from the bowels, and then from the ore prepared for processing. At each stage of mining operations, technological techniques are used that allow the mineral raw materials to be prepared as well as possible for the next stage. The complex of these technological techniques makes it possible to obtain the necessary ore quality to obtain the finished products of a mining enterprise with minimal costs and with the maximum level of a useful component extraction into a natural uranium concentrate. During mining complex ores contain other useful components besides uranium, usually molybdenum, so, the same requirements are imposed on molybdenum concentrate. Extraction of associated components into finished products makes it possible to solve one of the main tasks of extraction of mineral raw materials – the integrated use of subsurface resources. The Priargunsky Mining and Chemical Production Association has developed an algorithm for managing the quality of extracted ores, consisting of a number of technological stages, at each of which operations are carried out that together achieve the maximum economic effect in the production of finished products. The article presents an algorithm for managing the quality of mined ores during the development of rocky uranium ores at the Streltsovsky ore field deposits.
Key words mineral raw materials, miningprocesses, ore preparation,radiometric sorting methods,losses, dilution, naturaluranium concentrate,technological grade of ores,uranium content, ore qualitymanagement algorithm,uranium extraction
Article information
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