Article name Prospects for the tourism development in the Russian Far East
Authors Davyborets E.N. candidate of political sciences, associate professor,
Radikov I.V. doctor of political sciences, professor,
Bibliographic description Davyborets E. N., Radikov I. V. Prospects of tourism development in the Russian Far East // Bulletin of the Transbaikal State University. 2023. Vol. 29, no. 2. Р. 205–211. DOI: 10.2109/2227-9245-2023-29-2-205-211. 211 Political
Category Politology
DOI 327
DOI 10.2109/2227-9245-2023-29-2-205-211
Article type Original article
Annotation The prospects for the tourism development in the Russian Far East should be considered in the context of numerous factors contributing to and hindering this direction. The object of the study is the tourism industry in Russia. The subject is the factors influencing the tourism development in the Russian Far East at the present stage. The purpose of the study is to analyze the numerous conditions for the tourism development in the Far East. The research methodology provides for a systematic approach to consider the tourism industry as an integral system, including numerous factors that have a direct and indirect impact on it. Research methods are as follows: general scientific methods are used – analysis, synthesis, induction, deduction, analogy, etc., which allows us to identify the factual side of the problem – the prospects for the development of tourism in the Far East, as well as to trace its development in dynamics, and make a forecast for the future. The method of comparative analysis has made it possible to identify the strengths and weaknesses of the resource component of the modern tourism industry in the region. The complex use of these and other methods allows us to recreate an objective and dynamic picture of the subject of research. Tourism is currently one of the most popular and profitable destinations in the global economy: both developed and developing countries are striving to occupy their niche in the tourism industry. Russia’s turn to the East forced us to pay special attention to it due to a number of favorable factors for its development: large recreational potential, high density and population of Asian neighbors, interest of domestic and foreign investors in the tourism business, etc. There are also problems faced by the tourism industry in the Far East: difficult weather conditions, insufficient funding, poorly developed infrastructure, flight distances, etc. It is concluded that the long-forgotten Russian Far East has all the necessary prerequisites for the development of domestic and foreign tourism on its territory.
Key words domestic and foreign tourism,Far East, investments,recreational potential, tourismbusiness, infrastructure,multiplier effect, tourists, Asiancountries, national projects
Article information
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Full articleProspects for the tourism development in the Russian Far East