Article name Safe quality Management of Coals Using Digital Models of Minerals at the Kuta Brown Coal Deposit
Authors Manikovsky P.M. ,
Bibliographic description Manikovsky P. M. Management of the safe quality of coals using digital models of a mineral at the Kuta brown coal deposit // Transbaikal State University Journal. 2023. Vol. 29, no. 2. P. 8–23. DOI: 10.2109/2227- 9245-2023-29-2-8-23.
Category Earth and Environmental Sciences
DOI 55; 502.5; 504
DOI 10.2109/2227-9245-2023-29-2-8-23
Article type Original article
Annotation The purpose of the research is to substantiate the need for preliminary planning with the use of block models in the extraction of TPI as an important element of designing an economically and environmentally efficient enterprise for the development of a deposit of solid minerals. The object of the study is the Kuta brown coal deposit, which has areas of coal with increased concentrations of natural radionuclides. The method of planning the quality of coals, taking into account the hazard criterion and products of their processing with the use of Micromine Alastri software (software) is considered. The objectives of the study are to test the author’s hypothesis regarding the use of BM in the process of predicting the quality of the extracted PI according to the obtained characteristics. Expected results of the scientific study: it is expected that the specific activity in the samples of dust and slag will be recorded several times; when conducting field studies on the content of carbon in coal seams and coal dust with the inclusion of rock, it is necessary to establish the regularity of increasing the value of Aeff in coal dust with the inclusion of rock particles relative to coal samples. The results of the interpolation of the contents of the ORE into the blocks of the digital block model of the coal seam I of the Kuta brown coal deposit are presented. In conclusion, the author highlights the methodology for determining the parameters of mined coal and coal products, taking into account the hazard criterion, which has the following logic: burning of an experimental batch of coal; analysis of the correlation regularity between the average content of OER in coal by block and the average content of OER in coal combustion products, determination of the dependence of the oxygen content in coals and combustion products; assignment by reverse interpolation of the obtained forecast values to each three-dimensional block of the block model included in the mining blocks for each horizon and their transfer to the maps of horizon-by-horizon mining planning. Thus, obtaining a safety map of the extracted PI with the predicted values of the content of N in the combustion products.
Key words minerals, block model, natural radionuclides, coal, coal processing products, plastic block, danger of coal products, incision, mining
Article information
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Full articleSafe quality Management of Coals Using Digital Models of Minerals at the Kuta Brown Coal Deposit