Article name Religious security in the scientific and political discourse of post-soviet Russia
Authors Zhukov A.. ,
Zhukova A.. ,
Romanova I.V. ,
Bibliographic description Zhukov А., Zhukova А., Romanova I. Religious security in the scientific and political discourse of post-soviet Russia // Transbaikal State University Journal, 2017, vol. 23, no. 12, pp. 77-87. DOI: 10.21209/2227- 9245-2017-23-12-77-87.
Category Politology
DOI 172.3
DOI 10.21209/2227-9245-2017-23-12-77-87
Article type Original article
Annotation An analysis of the studies of religious security in post-Soviet Russia is conducted, in which the processes that affect the change in the social attitude to religion are taking place. It is established that many researchers, when considering the factors of inter-confessional tension, are based on the methodology that divides religions into “one’s own’’ and “another’s”. It is noted that, according to tori, the reason for the existence of a wide range of opinions about the possible danger of religion is the difference between the external form in which social manifestations of religion are observed and its hidden essence, whose notions of danger prevail over the recognition of the danger of external, social forms of manifestation of religion. It is concluded that in order to adequately understand the problem of religious security, it is necessary to divide concepts such as “religion” and “religious associations” whose social practice can go beyond the framework of religious prescriptions
Key words religious safety, concepts of religious safety, confessional interaction, social practice of religions, religious threat, danger of religion, religious outlook, interfaith conflicts, religious associations, atheistic tradition
Article information
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Full articleReligious security in the scientific and political discourse of post-soviet Russia