Article name Regional differentiation of geosystems of the northern part of Western Siberia for environmental techologyintensityn
Authors Ryapolova N.. postgraduate, па talyaan
Bibliographic description Ryapolova N. Regional differentiation of geo systems of the northern part of Western Siberia for environmental technology intensity //Transbaikal State University Journal, 2017, vol. 23, no. 12, pp. 51-58. DOI: 10.21209¡2227- 9245-2017-23-12-51-58.
Category Earth science
DOI 504.062.2
DOI 10.21209/2227-9245-2017-23-12-51 -58
Article type Original article
Annotation It is noted that in connection with the technogenic impact and economic development of the territories of the northern part of Western Siberia, it is becoming urgent to study the differentiation of existing geosystems at the level of landscape provinces in order to assess the prerequisites for their ecological sustainability. It is shown that one of the indicators of the ecological and geographic differentiation of the territory is the ecological technological capacity (hereinafter — ET). Ecological technological capacity is defined as the maximum technogenic load that an ecosystem can withstand and endure for a long time without disturbing its structural and functional properties. The advantage of its use is revealed, which is that ecological technological capacity gives an idea of genetic peculiarities, condition and ecological potential of natural complexes. It is established that in connection with this there arises the need to assess the state of the natural environment components that form the ecological technological capacity of certain territories (hereinafter — ETT), to study the distribution of these values and their variability in the context of ecological and geographical conditions for their formation and functioning. The methodical approach is considered and the results of calculations are presented. Also the differentiation of regional geosystems in the north of Western Siberia at the level of landscape provinces is shown in terms of the main components of the ecological capacity — ETT of the surface air layer, surface waters and phytocenoses
Key words : regional geosystems, landscape area, Western Siberia, calculations of water and heat balance of territories, environmental technology intensity, regional differentiation of geosystems, environmental sustainability, quantitative assessment, surface waters, surface layers of the atmosphere
Article information
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Full articleRegional differentiation of geosystems of the northern part of Western Siberia for environmental techologyintensityn