Article name Constructivism in political communications of russian women-parliamentarians
Bibliographic description Tokareva O. Constructivism in political communications of Russian women-parliamentarians // Transbaikal State University Journal, 2017, vol. 23, no. 11, pp. 70-76. DOI: 10.21209/2227-9245-2017-23-11-70-76.
Category Politology
DOI 32.019.51
DOI 10.21209/2227-9245-2017-23-11-70-76
Article type
Annotation In order to determine the content of the design of women parliamentarians’ image in contemporary Russian society, the image of Russian women parliamentarians has been studied. Constructivism was used as the main methodological approach. The connection between constructivism and the theory of political communication in the sphere of political image is presented. Women-parliamentarians of modern Russia, as an object of research, have been studied through typology and modeling, media monitoring, and opinion polls. New types of parliamentary image of Russian women are presented in the «crisis» typology: «statist», «fighter for order», «Orthodox patriot». As a result of research, aimed at solving the problems of designing the desired political image, the author developed symbolic models of the political image of Russian women parliamentarians: 1) Soviet - outwardly oriented - triumphal; 2) late Soviet and post-Soviet - personality-oriented; 3) post-Soviet - asymmetric; 4) post-Soviet - gender-neutral. It is shown that the presented models can become the basis for creating a parliamentary image of Russian women politicians, with the aim of further effective political communications. The results of the research allowed to expand theoretical understanding of the peculiarities of the image of Russian women parliamentarians, processes of image design through the use of typology and modeling of the foundations of the image concept. The practical significance of the research is noted: the results of the work can be used by political consultants, public relations specialists in developing a strategy for the image of the electoral campaign of a woman candidate for parliament; in the process of developing and implementing gender programs; the creators of popular popular and documentary films and TV programs devoted to gender issues that contribute to changing stereotypes of the perception of women’s leadership attractiveness in relation to the political process
Key words constructivism; political image; political communications; female parliamentarians; typology; modeling; gender distinctions; image-making; gabitarny image; masculinity / femininity
Article information
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