Article name Creation of symbiotic intelligence in the context of social development policy of society
Bibliographic description Itskov D. Creation of symbiotic intelligence in the context of social development policy of society / / Transbaikal State University Journal, 2017, vol. 23, no. 11, pp. 37-42. DOI: 10.21209/2227-9245-2017-23-11-37-42.
Category Politology
DOI 159.9; 004.81
DOI 10.21209/2227-9245-2017-23-11-37-42
Article type Original article
Annotation It is established that technology formation, widespread introduction of technology into the human living space have actualized the need for the formation of new forms of interaction between the individual and the technosphere. The opposite approaches in the discussion of this issue, formed in modern science and practice are pointed out. It is shown that some scientists believe that it is necessary to change a person himself, one of the technologies of which is the creation of symbiotic intelligence, while others believe that one should not change a person, but it is necessary to create and implement robots that will serve as a link between a person and space that surrounds him. The article deals with symbiotic intelligence, understood as an education that unites natural and artificial intellects in their interconnection, interaction in an organized technological environment. The concept is revealed, according to which symbiotic intelligence is considered as a collective mind, which implies interaction between people in decision-making, information and knowledge exchange, which corresponds to the characteristics of symbiotic intelligence. The aspect of using symbiotic intelligence in social policy is singled out
Key words symbiosis; intelligence; natural intelligence; artificial intelligence; symbiotic intelligence; hybrid intelligence; diffusion intelligence; technoscience; collective mind; technology
Article information
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