Article name Disposal of large-tonned waste of production with the purpose of obtaining economically effective road-building materials
Authors Koryakina E.. candidate of biological sciences, associate professor,
Bibliographic description Konovalova N., Dabizha O., Yarilov E., Koryakina E., Koryakina P. Disposal of large-tonned waste of production with the purpose of obtaining economically effective road-building materials // Transbaikal State University Journal, 2017, vol. 23, no. 10, pp. 14-21. DOI: 10.21209/2227-9245-2017-23-10-14-21.
Category Earth science
DOI 628.477.7:625.8:69.003
DOI 10.21209/2227-9245-2017-23-10-14-21
Article type Original article
Annotation The possibility of utilization of large-tonnage wastes of enterprises of heat and power industry, as well as mining industry of the Transbaikal region in road construction is shown, which allows reducing the cost of expensive materials and solving a complex of acute environmental problems. Compositions of economically effective road-building composite materials, based on screening of crushing of rocks, and fly ash, modified with a complex stabilizing additive, are developed. The physical, physical and mechanical characteristics, chemical composition of the initial mineral raw material, binder and samples, based on them, taking into account state standards for test methods and technical requirements, were studied. The optimal content of cement and fly ash in the samples is 8 and 10 wt. %, respectively. It was found that an increase in the fly ash content of the composite up to 30 wt. % leads to a gradual decompaction of the samples and a decrease in their strength characteristics, including frost resistance. The use of screening of the Zhiphegen crushed stone plant and fly ash of CHP-2 makes it possible significantly to reduce the price of a square meter of structural layers from the developed composite material. It is established that the waste of Cogeneration plant (Chita) and the Zhiphegen crushed stone plant can be used to obtain frost-resistant economically effective materials for road construction, which correspond to the grade of strength M 40-M 60. The cost per square meter of constructive layers of road clothes was calculated depending on the thickness of the layer. It is revealed that the application of the developed composite material on the basis of industrial waste of the Transbaikal region is much cheaper in comparison with traditional materials in road construction
Key words road building materials; composite materials; industrial waste; ash and slag wastes; waste of crushed-stone production; physical and mechanical properties; frost resistance; chemical composition; stabilizing additives; economic efficiency
Article information
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Full articleDisposal of large-tonned waste of production with the purpose of obtaining economically effective road-building materials