Article name BRICS: structural and functional features of the partnership
Authors Konkin A.. ,
Bibliographic description Konkin A. BRICS: structural and junctional features of the partnership // Transbaikal State University Journal, 2017, vol. 23, no. 9, pp. 93-102. DOI: 10.21209/2227-9245-2017-23-9-93-102.
Category Politology
DOI 327
DOI 10.21209/2227-9245-2017-23-9-93-102
Article type
Annotation The article is a description of the Phd. thesis results on the subject“Structural features of the BRICS countries trans-regional partnership and its potential in the global governance system” carried out at the Department of Oriental Studies of the Moscow State Institute of International Relations (University) of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation. In the introduction, the relevance of the problem under investigation is justified, as well as the need to study it. The methodological basis of this study is a combination of theoretical approaches: the theory of complex interdependence (R.O. Keohane, J. Nye) and the concept of multifactor equilibrium (A.Voskresenskii). The article also provides a detailed description of the research, the scientific novelty is substantiated. It is noted that BRICS presents an international grouping of five dynamically developing countries (Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa), each of them is a recognized leader in its region. It is stated that Trans-regional partnership BRICS is a fundamentally new mechanism of states productive interaction based on the equality and mutual respect principles and aimed at the intensive development of multilateral economic, political, socio-cultural cooperation. In addition, the BRICS transregional partnership offers a gradual formation of an alternative to the global governance system currently in place in the world community. In the political sphere the author stands out the reform of the UN Security Council, the joint opposition to the international terrorist threat, the settlement of local and regional conflict situations exclusively by peaceful means. In the sphere of economy the author highlights out the transregional community BRICS supports infrastructure projects in developing countries participating in the trans-regional partnership, advocates the redistribution of quotas in the IMF. It is concluded that BRICS’s transregional partnership is based on the deep national political and economic interests of the member states of this community, which are far from momentary conjuncture, which allows us to speak about the BRICS factor as a significant phenomenon in the world community
Key words BRICS; structural features; transregional partnership;theory of complex interdependence; the concept of multifactor equilibrium; globalgovernance;structural model; Brazil; Russia; India; China; South Africa
Article information
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Full articleBRICS: structural and functional features of the partnership