Article name The question of language role and national self-identity factors
Authors Gurevich L.. ,
Bibliographic description Gurevich L. The question of language role and national self-identity factors policy // Transbaikal State University Journal, 2017, vol. 23, no. 9, pp. 67-74.DOI: 10.21209/2227-9245-2017-23-9-67-74.
Category Politology
DOI 32.019.51/81.139
DOI 10.21209/2227-9245-2017-23-9-67-74
Article type Original article
Annotation The article is devoted to current trends in the process of national self-identification and to the role of any national language in this process. The issue is controversial enough to review it on a unilateral basis; moreover, the determining of the role of language on the political level leads to mass speculations and to reality perception distortion in public. Current investigations of political picture bear witness to the fact of paradigm shift in national self-identity of major citizens of CIS states. The trend of nationalism or even chauvinism becomes apparent. A national language serves as the dynamic tool within this process. Changes in political life of the society couldn’t help but be reflected in national worldview, that have caused giving a new meaning to the current linguistic theories, more specifically theories in the field of ethnology and political linguistics. So, for example, ethnic self-consciousness factors have been subjected to reconsideration and restructuring within the linguistic theory. The trend of current classifications rethinking appears. Language, having been typified as ethnic attribute before, becomes ethnic forming factor as the dominant component of classifications. Changes in political life of the country lead to changes in national self-consciousness, which reflects in peculiar features of national languages. A number of naming units with negative connotations appear in political discourse, which bears record to grave deformation in national mentality and to aggravation and escalation of tension in relationship between nations. This article doesn’t claim the status of scientific problem in-depth study. The primary objective of it is to analyze current situation and main trends in society and in language, which demands full-bodied study of the problem
Key words political picture; national self-identification policy; national language; national worldview; national mentality; current trends; ethnic attributes; ethnic identity; political linguistics; linguistic consciousness; political discourse; national self-consciousness
Article information
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Full articleThe question of language role and national self-identity factors