Название статьи Экономическое обоснование технологии предварительного разделения углей в подземных условиях
Библиографическое описание статьи Potapov V., Potapov V., Sokolov A., Udachina N. Economic substantiation of technology of preliminary separation of coals in underground conditions // Transbaikal State University Journal, 2017, vol. 23, no. 9, pp. 25-31. DOI: 10.21209/2227-9245-2017-23-9-25-31.
Категория Науки о Земле
УДК 6227.-027.236
DOI 10.21209/2227-9245-2017-23-9-25-31
Тип статьи Научная статья
Аннотация The article describes the results of investigation of influence of mining and geological factors on coal separation in various apparatuses under conditions of underground enrichment. An estimation of this influence was carried out on the basis of the analysis of the dependence of the resulted costs on the quantitative and qualitative parameters of technological schemes for the development of mines with underground enrichment. Introduction of enrichment processes into the technological scheme of underground mining allows excluding completely or partially processing of rock mass on the surface. In the article it was suggested to use dry methods of separation of coals with use of a separator on friction and elasticity (SPRUT) in comparison with application of a steeply inclined SIS separator. The scheme, using the SPRUT separator, has turned out to be the most economical one, as the separator allows to have minimal costs for the enrichment itself followed by a hydrostatic lifting technology with SIS separator. The technological scheme is presented by underground coal enrichment with the use of the SIS separators as well as the scheme for installing of the SPRUT separator in the technological chain of coal mining. The use of small-size SPRUT units allows them to be integrated into the technological sequence of coal mass movement from the face to the loading points within the mining areas and in combination with the pneumatic backfilling complexes to place the waste rock into the excavated workings and lay the worked out spaces by using any methods of the rock pressure (roof) control. The calculation of operating costs is presented for all processes of mining, enrichment, and transportation of coal for the schemes with installation of SPRUT and SIS separators. The histograms illustrating the structure of operating costs are given. As a result of economic evaluation the efficiency of technological schemes of separation has been determined
Ключевые слова geological factors; separators; economic comparison; technological scheme; underground enrichment; coal separation; costs; histogram; calculation; pneumatic backfilling
Информация о статье
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Полный текст статьиЭкономическое обоснование технологии предварительного разделения углей в подземных условиях