Article name Application of Compound Oil-Containing Collectors in the Process of Foam Separation of Diamonds
Authors Kovalenko E.G. candidate of technical sciences, associate Professorchief engineer, Institute «akutniproalmaz», , Diamond Mining Company «ALROSA»,
Bibliographic description Kovalenko E. G. Application of compound oil-containing collectors in the process of foam separation of diamonds // Transbaikal State University Journal. 2023. Vol. 29, no. 1. Pp. 51–62. DOI: 10.21209/2227-9245- 2023-29-1-51-62.
Category Subsoil Use, Mining Sciences
DOI 622.765.4
DOI 10.21209/2227-9245-2023-29-1-51-62
Article type Original article
Annotation The object of this study is the process of diamond-containing kimberlites’ enrichment by foam separation. The subject of research is compound collectors for diamond flotation. The purpose of the study is to substantiate the possibility and choice of conditions for the use of Machchobin oil as a component of the base collector in the foam separation of diamonds. The objectives of the research are to establish the physico-chemical characteristics of Machchobin oil, fuel oil and their mixtures; assess their collecting ability; select the optimal composition of the collector; determine the effectiveness of a compound collector use in the technological process. The methods of rectification analysis of fractional composition, visiometric analysis of structure and phase composition, vibrational viscometry have been used to establish the physical and chemical characteristics of Machchobin oil, fuel oils and their mixtures. To estimate the collecting ability of the compound collector the methods of flotation and foam separation of diamonds and minerals of kimberlite on the laboratory installations of foamless flotation and foam separation have been applied. To determine the efficiency of the compound collector an automated foam separation unit has been used. Conducted physico-chemical studies have shown that when mixing fuel oil F-5 and degassed Machchobin oil, the dissolution of asphaltenes of fuel oil in low–molecular fractions of oil, and paraffins of oil – in medium-molecular fractions of fuel oil is observed. The formation of finely dispersed and colloidal solutions of high-molecular components of oil increases the adhesive activity and leads to an increase in the collecting capacity of the compound collector. The flotation studies have shown that the greatest extraction of diamonds into concentrate is achieved when using a mixture of fuel oil F-5 and Machchobin oil as a base collector at a ratio from 3:1 to 1:1. The tests carried out during the enrichment of the ore of the Aihal tube by foam separation have established an increase in diamond extraction using a compound collector by 1.1–2.1 %. By replacing the fuel oil fraction with oil, a reduction in reagent costs has also been achieved.
Key words diamonds, kimberlites,collector, oil, fuel oil, fractional composition,paraffins, asphaltenes,petroleum resins, flotation,foam separation
Article information
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Full articleApplication of Compound Oil-Containing Collectors in the Process of Foam Separation of Diamonds