Article name Analysis of Approaches to the Distribution of Pollutant Discharge Limits between Sources of Negative Impact on Water Bodies
Authors Shalikovsky ,t, Transbaikal State University, Chita, Russia A.V. candidate of technical sciences, associate professor, branch manager, Head of the departmen,
Kurganovich K.A. candidate of technical sciences, associate professor, head of the department,
Bibliographic description Shalikovsky A. V., Kurganovich K. A. Analysis of approaches to the distribution of pollutant discharge limits between sources of negative impact on water bodies // Transbaikal State University Journal. 2023. Vol. 29, no. 1. Pp. 31–43. DOI: 10.21209/2227-9245-2023-29-1-31-43.
Category Earth and Environmental Sciences
DOI 504.054
DOI 10.21209/2227-9245-2023-29-1-31-43
Article type Original article
Annotation Relevance. In the development of mineral deposits, an important factor affecting the volume of water inflow in the development and complicating mining operations is the water cut of the deposits. Technogenic waters formed during drainage and diversion of water during mining are discharged into rivers, which leads to the degradation of ecosystems and the deterioration of the quality of water resources. Therefore, it is important to take measures to limit the impact of wastewater discharges on rivers and minimize their negative impact on the environment. The Water Code of the Russian Federation determines that the number of substances contained in wastewater discharges into water bodies should not exceed the established standards for permissible impact on water bodies. At the same time, in practice, when this condition is not met, the standards for permissible discharges or technological standards are still retained as discharge limits, which is due to the lack of an appropriate methodology for quota discharges. The purpose of this scientific research. Based on the analysis of foreign experience and the peculiarities of the Russian rationing system, develop an approach that will make it possible to adjust the allowable discharge and technological standards to values that ensure compliance with the allowable impact on the water body. Methods. The developed approach consists in calculating the equal concentration of a substance in wastewater with verification of compliance with this condition for all outlets. Saving for some issues of “usual” standards leads to a change in the magnitude of the undistributed load and to a new cycle of calculating equal concentration. Results and conclusions. As a result of the practical implementation of the proposed iterative calculation, some outlets retain the previous limits for the discharge of pollutants, while the remaining ones are adjusted based on the equality of concentration. The paper presents an example of such a calculation.
Key words standards for permissible discharges, technological standards, standards for permissible harmful effects on water bodies, anthropogenic load, discharge quotas, basin regulation principle, iterative calculation procedure, sources of negative impact
Article information
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Full articleAnalysis of Approaches to the Distribution of Pollutant Discharge Limits between Sources of Negative Impact on Water Bodies