Authors Panych A.. head of the laboratory,
Sharapov N.. ,
Sokolov A.. candidate of technical sciences, assistant professor,, vostokniivh@mail .ru
Bibliographic description Panych A.A., Sharapov N.M. Sokolov A. Ecological estimation of mine and subsoil waste water purification // Transbaikal State University Journal, 2017, vol. 23, no. 7, pp. 16—23.
Category Earth science
DOI 544 .435.4
DOI 10.21209/2227-9245-2017-23-7-16-23
Article type
Annotation The article notes that the specificity of the technological process of mining enterprises is the formation of liquid waste, which are the main suppliers of heavy metals to the environment. Environmental damage from the discharge of sewage of mining enterprises into surface water bodies is estimated at several tens of billions of rubles per year. The same problems are also characteristic for drainage waters of solid waste landfills. The existing methods of mine and subsoil waters purification are described. It is noted that the most acceptable way to purify these waters is the technological scheme based on the use of the neutralization-sorption geochemical barrier. In the field of application of similar methods of cleaning, drainage water from landfills of solid household waste can also fall. The degree of chemical elements extraction depends on the contact time of the treated waters with loading, that is, duration of filtration through the loading. A dependence is proposed for calculating the filtration coefficient for loading the geochemical barrier
Key words mine and subsoil waters; solid waste landfill; Darcy equation; coefficient of filtration; coefficient of shape of soil particles; coefficient of soil heterogeneity; porosity of soil; pressure gradient, iron, manganese, copper
Article information
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