Authors Zhukov A.. ,
Zhukova A.. ,
Romanova I.V. ,
Bibliographic description Zhukov A., Zhukova A., Romanova I. Historical and political features of the German ethnos migration in Transbaikalia / / Transbaikal State University Journal, 2017, vol. 23, no. 6, pp. 97-106.
Category Politology
DOI 325.14
DOI 10.21209/2227-9245-2017-23-6-97-106
Article type
Annotation The article is devoted to the understanding of the German settling features in Transbaikalia. The authors fix attention that there was no such national group as the German colonists in Transbaikalia, and the region was capable to attract representatives of the German people only for the limited time, connected with service to the Russian state. In the article the features of such groups of the German population as serviceable people as a part of military divisions are considered; scientists-researchers as a part of scientific expeditions; exiled ones, including the group of German Decembrists; German officials, who were taking part in management of the region; German prisoners of war; victims of political repression during 1930—1940 years. It is concluded that modern the Germans in Transbaikalia are the descendants of the last, who left special settlements for victims of political repression. The authors have analyzed a number of factors, promoting departure of the Germans from the region at present. At the same time, another tendency, fixing that Transbaikalia stops being a place of penal services, exile and place of short-term career projects realization for many Germans, is considered in the article. The values of traditional life, family, nature and culture are becoming important for them. The distinctive feature of modern Germans is the existence of internal freedom which provides a person with a feeling of his space-concentration. Possessing the last one, the Transbaikal Germans, having original culture, dialects, history, perceive themselves as residents of Transbaikalia, the Russians and as a part of the German people
Key words Germans; Transbaikalia; Russian Germans; migration processes; German researchers; German Decembrists; German prisoners of war; repressed Germans; German colonization; migration
Article information
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