Authors Zharkay G.. сandidate of economic sciences,
Tsyrenzhapova D.. cientific researchers,
Bibliographic description Zharkaya G., Tsyrenzhapova D. Housing market in Ulan-Ude: development prospects // Transbaikal State University Journal, 2017, vol. 23, no. 3, pp. 105-110.
Category Earth science
DOI 338.49
DOI 10.21209/2227-9245-2017-23-3-105-110
Article type
Annotation In the paper the issues related to the prospects of market residential real estate development in the city of Ulan- Ude are considered and examined. The urban housing stock is described, its condition and development strategies, both private housing and located on the Municipality’s balance sheet and other forms of ownership. The main changes, affecting the real estate market are presented. The primary factors, influencing the current development of the market mechanisms of affordable housing in the region are observed. It was revealed that in the period from 2013—2016, the increase in transactions with real estate was due to the availability of mechanisms for the development of residential real estate. However, the increase in the value of direct costs and overhead costs in housing, has led, today, to the reduction of construction and commissioning housing complexes rate. The factors constraining the activities of construction companies, the number of buildings placed in service as of 2016 are pointed out; the price indices and factors deterrence of transactions in the primary housing are also shown. The dynamics of work performed by builders is revealed, as well as the sources and types of financial impacts for the construction of residential houses are noted. The trends in the housing market in 2017 are described. As a conclusion, it is noted that the value of residential real estate in the secondary and primary markets will decline. The procedures for registration of transactions with financial instruments in the form of mortgage — will reduce; the proposals at the real estate market will expand; the service will improve and then the long-term mechanisms of affordable real estate market will restart. The research of the residential real estate market in the city of Ulan-Ude has revealed the basic rule that the input dynamics of residential buildings has decreased due to the impact of the crisis on the real estate developers, and in particular, on final users of residential property, but, nevertheless, the work continues to be carried out, that underlines the prospects of the real estate market
Key words The factors constraining the activities of construction companies, the number of buildings placed in service as of 2016 are pointed out; the price indices and factors deterrence of transactions in the primary housing are also shown. The dynamics of work performed by builders is revealed, as well as the sources and types of financial impacts for the construction of residential houses are noted. The trends in the housing market in 2017 are described. As a conclusion, it is noted that the value of residential real estate in the secondary and primary markets will decline. The procedures for registration of transactions with financial instruments in the form of mortgage — will reduce; the proposals at the real estate market will expand; the service will improve and then the long-term mechanisms of affordable real estate market will restart. The research of the residential real estate market in the city of Ulan-Ude has revealed the basic rule that the input dynamics of residential buildings has decreased due to the impact of the crisis on the real estate developers, and in particular, on final users of residential property, but, nevertheless, the work continues to be carried out, that underlines the prospects of the real estate market
Article information
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