Authors Malyshev E.. ,
Bibliographic description
Category Economics
DOI 004.02: 004.05
DOI 10.21209/2227-9245-2022-28-10-91-99
Article type
Annotation The special importance of ICT in the management of industrial enterprises is manifested in the demand of the management process, in particular in identifying factors that affect the efficiency of economic activity and their assessment. The object of the research is an industrial enterprise as an organizational system. The subject of the research is the methods of improving the information management system of an industrial enterprise. The purpose of the research is to improve the information management system of an industrial enterprise based on the analysis of key parameters of the information support of an industrial enterprise (ISIE) management subsystems. The following tasks have been identified and solved in order to achieve the set research goal: in the process of analyzing scientific approaches to identify the specifics and shortcomings of existing solutions in the areas of information management of industrial enterprises; evaluate the ISIE management system according to the proposed criteria on the basis of the author\'s DETA matrix systematizing the evaluation factors of the information support management system of an industrial enterprise; to develop a method for assessing the compliance of performance criteria with key parameters of information management subsystems of an industrial enterprise (factors of the organization of the information support system of an industrial enterprise). Research methodology. At the same time, for domestic industrial enterprises, taking into account difficult economic conditions, it is necessary to organize an effective management process in achieving financial, economic and production indicators, which, in turn, raises the responsibility and competence level of functional managers associated with the constant receipt of information coming from both external channels and internal sources. To characterize the modern information environment of an industrial enterprise, we will analyze the use of ICT in the Russian Federation, the Volga Federal District and the Perm Region. In this regard, we consider it relevant and necessary to develop methodological and practical aspects of IOPP in the direction of: development of evaluation tools; application of factor analysis of the organization of the information support of the enterprise; creating a concept and building models of the organization of enterprise processes.
Key words Keywords: information support of an industrial enterprise, information and communication technologies, management efficiency of the organizational and economic system, expert assessment, information support system, availability, sufficiency, accessibility, demand, DETA-analysis
Article information Bochkarev A.M., Malyshev E. A. Factors of the information support system organization at an industrial enterprise // Transbaikal State University Journal, 2022, vol. 28, no. 10. pp.91-99. DOI: 10.21209/2227-9245-2022-28-10-91-99
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