Bibliographic description
Category Politology
DOI 332.1(470+571)
DOI 10.21209/2227-9245-2022-28-10-53-63
Article type
Annotation The article is devoted to the first attempt of regionalization of the Russian Federation territory according to the peculiarities of achieving national development goals. The objectives of the study are to review the literature, create a database, develop a method for measuring the distance between territorial units according to a variety of indicators for achieving national goals and forming a regionalization algorithm, conducting regionalization and interpreting the results obtained. A review of the available experience has shown that there are only separate estimates for federal districts and some groups of Russian regions, and the main feature of achieving the goal for a particular territory is the distance of the current value from the target (future) value of the indicator under consideration. With several indicators with different remoteness, many features are obtained. The initial data are taken from the “Unified Plan for Achieving the National Development Goals of the Russian Federation for the Period up to 2024 and for the Planning Period up to 2030” approved by the Russian government. To process data on 85 subjects and 15 indicators of their development in 2021–2030, the author\'s regionalization algorithm with a graph-theoretic approach to determining the optimal number of districts was used. The results of the calculations are presented in the form of a dendrogram of the sequence of combining subjects into groups. It is shown that three variants of grouping neighboring subjects are optimal. Two zones, three regions and four sub-regions are identified. According to the identified groups of subjects, the average values of indicators for achieving national development goals are given. It has been established that the capital region (the city of Moscow and the Moscow Region) occupies the most advantageous position in terms of the peculiarities of movement towards national goals, and the most difficult situation has developed in the second zone (the North Caucasus Federal District and the Republic of Kalmykia). Based on the dendrogram, the cores of zones, regions and sub-regions are identified using the author\'s algorithm. The results obtained can be used to identify problematic groups of subjects in need of additional federal funding, annual monitoring of the implementation of the schedule for achieving goals and adjusting the Unified Plan. It is assumed that further research on this issue can be carried out in seven directions.
Key words Key words: sustainable development, socio-economic development indicator, multidimensional distance, dendrogram, zone, region, sub-region, Russian Federation, zoning of the territory, national goals
Article information Blanutsa V. Regionalization of Russia’s territory according to the peculiarities of achieving national development goals // Transbaikal State University Journal, 2022, vol. 28, no. 10, pp.53-63. DOI: 10.21209/2227-9245-2022-28-10-53-63
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