Article name New data on the hessite of the Baley ore field in Eastern Transbaikalia (Russia)
Bibliographic description
Category Earth science
DOI 549.622.775
DOI 10.21209/2227-9245-2022-28-10-38-52
Article type
Annotation The relevance lies in the need to have information about the prevalence and paragenesis of hessite, which is one of the main mineral carriers of Te in the gold and silver ores of the unique Baley ore field in Transbaikalia. Te refers to the rarest chemical elements, the use of which has been steadily increasing lately. During the development of the Baleysky and Taseyevsky gold and silver deposits in 1929–1993, only Au and Ag were extracted from the ores, all Te went into the dump. Both deposits are not fully developed. The resources of the Au category P1 of the Baleyskoye field are estimated at 35 tons. The remaining Au reserves of the Taseyevskoye field, approved by the GKZ, amount to 105 tons. In the coming years, it is planned to extract the remaining reserves of Au-Ag ores from these deposits, containing Te mainly in the form of hessite, so knowledge about it will be important for the development of technology for its associated extraction. The purpose of the research is to study the mineral associations of the Baley ore field containing hessite. The object of research is Au–Ag ores of the Baley ore field, the subject of research is the forms of isolation and variations of the chemical composition of hessite. Method and methodology – optical and electron microscopy with the identification of shapes and sizes of individuals and aggregates of hessite, as well as the determination of its chemical composition. Research results: for the first time, the study of the ores of the Baley ore field with a high Te content was carried out and the relatively wide development of hessite was established. It is in association with petzite, altaite, silvanite, empresite, stutzite, pilsenite, as well as tellurium-containing uytenbogaardite, gold, many sulfosols and sulfides, quartz, dolomite, siderite, kaolinite, adular and other minerals. The peculiarity of the hessite Baley ore field is the variability of its composition. Two groups of hessite individuals have been identified. The first one includes hessite, which does not contain impurities. Of these, stoichiometric composition has only 22 %. They correspond to the composition of Ag2Te, in 32.2 % of cases there is an excess of Ag compared to Te (up to Ag2,1Te0,9), and in 45,8 % of samples there is a lack of Ag (up to Ag1,86 Te1,14). In part of the hessite individuals, it is compensated by the Au replacing it. For the first time, hessite containing an admixture of Pb, probably replacing Ag, was identified
Key words Keywords: Tellurium, silver, gold, hessite, tellurides, compositional variability, tellurium-bearing uytenbogaardite, Taseevskoye deposit, Baleiskoye ore field, Eastern Transbaikalia
Article information Yurgenson G. New data on the hessite of the Baley ore field in Eastern Transbaikalia (Russia) // Transbaikal State University Journal, 2022, vol. 28, no. 10, pp.38-52. DOI: 10.21209/2227-9245-2022-28-10-38-52
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Full articleNew data on the hessite of the Baley ore field in Eastern Transbaikalia (Russia)