Article name Evolution of Maternity Protection in France: Opportunities for China
Bibliographic description
Category Politology
DOI 323.3
DOI 10.21209/2227-9245-2022-28-9-47-51
Article type
Annotation The French experience in solving demographic and social problems related to low fertility is based on the study of a wide range of issues ranging from individual reproductive well-being to its socio-cultural conditioning. The study has shown that the system of maternity protection in France uses not only administrative and legal regulation as a direct method, but also a wide range of indirect social welfare mechanisms, aimed at creating a social and cultural environment favorable to motherhood, as well as spreading the idea of maternity protection in all spheres of society development: childbirth becomes not only an individual responsibility, but also the responsibility of family and society. Such practices are important for the implementation of People\'s Republic of China fertility and population policy, in particular for improving the system of maternity protection by increasing the social value of fertility and creating a balance between the family and work functions of women. The general situation and specific features of French and Chinese systems of maternity protection are analyzed in the article through the prism of identifying effective mechanisms of increasing the population growth rate in China through the implementation of the best practices of the French system of social guarantees, increasing the cultural and social significance of motherhood
Key words maternity protection system, family policy, legislation, social welfare, maternity support policy, social equality, efficiency, cultural value, strategy
Article information 刘净娟 法国生育保障制度流变及其对中国的启示跨贝加尔湖州立大学公报。 2022. 卷。 28シ繝。 P. 47-51. DOI: 10.21209/2227-9245-2022-28-9-47-51
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Full articleEvolution of Maternity Protection in France: Opportunities for China