Bibliographic description
Category Economics
DOI 330.34:338.2
DOI 10.21209/2227-9245-2022-28-8-124-131
Article type
Annotation Numerous socio-economic problems of villages and ongoing civilizational transformations require rethinking of a model of rural development. The subject of the study is the principles and mechanism for managing the sustainable socio-economic development of rural territories. The purpose of the study is to justify the new model of sustainable inclusive development of rural areas, which contributes to the growth of economic capabilities, the level of social security and the quality of life of the rural population throughout the country. Research methods. In the course of the study, methods of induction and deduction, economic-statistical analysis, monographic and abstract-logical methods have been used. Research results. The exogenous model of the rural territories development has not been able to ensure the growth of the quality of life of the rural population for many years. The fifth of rural residents still belongs to the poor. A distinctive feature of rural poverty is its high level among the working population, which makes an unattractive living in the village. Therefore, a transition to a new model of development of rural areas based on the principles of inclusiveness is necessary: providing all residents of the village of equal opportunities for self -realization and access to public benefits, the development of the rural economy, taking into account the specifics of the territories, the growth of employment, ensuring comparability of the level and quality of life, regardless of the place of residence, regardless citizens who contribute to the preservation of human capital in the village and territorial equality. The mechanism for managing the proposed model of rural development is based on the development, coordination and implementation of strategies and plans for the development of rural territories from municipal to the federal level with the annual monitoring of the achievement of target indicators and evaluating the effectiveness of officials
Key words : development of rural territories, development model, rural territories, socio-economic development, concept of inclusive development, sustainable development, inclusive development, poverty, inequality, rural population
Article information Miroshnichenko Т. Rethinking the development model of rural territories in modern conditions // Transbaikal State University Journal, 2022, vol. 28, no. 8, pp. 124-131.
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