Authors Malyshev E.. ,
Bibliographic description
Category Economics
DOI 332.05
DOI 10.21209/2227-9245-2022-28-8-114-123
Article type
Annotation Russia\'s national projects are an important tool for the socio-economic development of the state, which includes all sectors of the country\'s economy. The purpose of the national projects’ implementation is to improve economic performance, as well as to improve the well-being of the country\'s citizens. Over the past years, national projects have shown their effectiveness. Hospitals, schools, kindergartens have been built; a wide segment of the population has an opportunity to purchase housing on a mortgage. The development of agriculture is equally important; roads have been built and repaired, thereby raising the standard of living of the population. However, in the course of the national projects’ implementation, there are not only positive aspects, but also negative ones. The object of the study is the priority national projects of Russia. The subject of the study is the implementation of priority national projects in Russia and the Transbaikal Territory. The purpose of the study is to identify problems in the national projects’ implementation both in Russia and in the Transbaikal Territory. In carrying out the study, the following scientific methods have been used: economic method, statistical and comparative analysis, generalization and system analysis methods, monographic method. The information base for the event has become the data of Rosstat, the Accounts Chamber of the Russian Federation and publications on the Internet. In the course of the study, given the ambiguous approach to the definition of \"national project\", the concept is clarified. In addition, the formation chronology of the national project as a form of government is given. Problems in the implementation of national projects in Russia are identified, including the absence in most cases of an integrated approach to project activities, the need to bring the regulatory framework in line with modern requirements and realities, and overestimated indicators of national projects. An analysis of the national project’s implementation \"Safe High-Quality Roads\" in the Transbaikal Territory has been made, which noted problems in terms of insufficient provision of municipalities with funds for co-financing, problems with unscrupulous contractors, as well as problems with long overhaul periods. Based on the results of the results obtained, the authors have grouped the identified problems and proposed possible solutions, such as improving the legislative framework, working with contractors, and working out shortcomings when launching projects
Key words : National project, state programs, history of national projects, problems of state programs’ implementation, tools for implementing national projects, national project “Safe high-quality roads”, investments in national projects, public-private partnerships, co-financing of national projects
Article information Gorodkova S., Makarova M. National projects in Russia: problems and solutions // Transbaikal State University Journal, 2022, vol. 28, no. 8 pp. 114-123.
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