Bibliographic description
Category Economics
DOI 338.43/636
DOI 10.21209/2227-9245-2022-28-8-81-89
Article type
Annotation Agriculture is an industry that ensures the national security of the country, as well as its interests, while reducing dependence on other countries. Active investment in agriculture is the main lever for the development of this industry. The object of research in the work is agriculture of the Transbaikal Region. The subject of the research is the features and socio-economic conditions of investment activity in agriculture of the Transbaikal Region. The development of agriculture in the regions is determined by a number of factors, including increasing the investment attractiveness of the industry. Therefore, the purpose of the research is to assess the investment support for the development of agriculture in the Transbaikal Region, identify the main problems and develop proposals to improve the efficiency of the investments’ use. The objectives of the research are to study the dynamics of the development of agriculture in the region; to identify the main dynamic trends of investment in the industry; determining the impact of investments on the economic dynamics (growth) of agriculture, as well as determining the main problems and features of investment processes in the industry. The paper reveals that the agriculture of the region is not very attractive for private investors, and the low profitability and unprofitability of agricultural organizations does not allow financing investments at the expense of profit. Therefore, state support today remains the main source of survival of agricultural organizations in the Transbaikal Region. However, there are grounds to assume that state support is ineffective. Currently, subsidies and compensations represent a kind of lever by which the state attempts to keep unprofitable farms \"afloat\", but their number continues to grow. With such a nature of state support, low production efficiency is preserved, and there are no hopes for the creation of modern agriculture. The methodology and methods of the research are based on the application of economic and statistical research methods, official data of the Federal State Statistics Service
Key words agro-industrial complex, state support, state investment policy, investment, small farms, agricultural products, risks, agricultural industry, private investment, economy
Article information Alekseev А. Investment support for the agriculture development on the example of the Transbaikal Region // Transbaikal State University Journal, 2022, vol. 28, no. 8 pp. 81-89. DOI: 10.21209/2227-9245-2022-28-8-81-89
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