Authors Sapozhnikova T.. Tcandidate of sociological sciences, associate professor,
Bibliographic description
Category Politology
DOI 316.334.2
DOI 10.21209/2227-9245-2022-28-8-70-80
Article type
Annotation As domestic and foreign practice shows, that public-private partnership (PPP) is a mutually beneficial cooperation between government and business, which contributes to the development of the economy, social sphere, entrepreneurship, and solving problems in a particular territory. The active development of PPP in the Russian Federation began in 2015 and today it can be argued that PPP is developing as a social institution, its regulatory and legal framework has been formed, which is being supplemented and improved, there are organizational mechanisms and a management system in this area, PPP projects are being actively implemented, an increasing number of participants at the federal, regional and municipal levels. However, the level of development of PPP in the regions varies from high to low. The work is devoted to the study of the features of the development of public-private partnership in the Transbaikal Region. The object of research is public-private partnership as a social institution. The subject of the study is the factors of development and problems of PPP in the Transbaikal Region. The purpose of the study is to identify the specifics of the development of PPP in the Transbaikal Region, to develop recommendations for eliminating problem areas. The research objectives are the following: to reveal the concept, essence and advantages of public-private partnership; determine the level of development of PPP in the Transbaikal Region in the context of the regions of the Russian Federation and the regions of the Far Eastern Federal District; to give an analysis of the regulatory and organizational basis of PPP at the regional level; identify the problems of PPP in the Transbaikal Region; to give recommendations on improving the PPP sphere in the region. The theoretical basis of the study is related to the theories of public administration and state regulation of the economy. The author has used the methodology of a systematic approach, the principle of theory and practice unity, the principle of objectivity, as well as general scientific research methods: analysis and synthesis, logical method, comparison; sociological methods: expert survey. The paper presents an analysis of approaches to the definition of PPP in the scientific literature and legislative practice, gives a comparative description of PPP, its advantages and opportunities for the state and the private partner. The dynamics of the PPP development in the Transbaikal Region in the period from 2014 to 2020 is determined. This dynamics is determined by a number of factors and conditions that develop at the national and regional levels, such as economic and political factors, financial and legal conditions, technological progress and socio-cultural factors. The level of PPP development in the Transbaikal Region is not high, but there is a trend towards positive dynamics: the number of PPP projects is increasing; the legislative framework and organizational and financial conditions for the PPP development are being improved. The limiting factors are the low investment attractiveness of the region, the unbalanced system of planning and management of the PPP sphere, the insufficient number of highly qualified personnel in this area, the lack of a unified information platform and a specialized regional center for the PPP development. The driving factors for the development of the PPP sphere can be considered various benefits and preferences for investors in the Far Eastern Federal District, which the Transbaikal Region entered in 2018, the activity of the authorities and their competence. The paper presents recommendations for improving the PPP system, taking into account the best practices of other regions of the Russian Federation
Key words region, public-private partnership (PPP), Transbaikal Region, rating of subjects of the Russian Federation in the field of PPP, problems and factors of PPP development, investment attractiveness of the region, project activities, concession agreements, public and private partner, PPP development concept, technological platform
Article information Sapozhnikovа T. Development of public-private partnership in the Russian Federation: a regional aspect (on the example of the Transbaikal Region) // Transbaikal State University Journal, 2022, vol. 28, no. 8 pp. 70-80. DOI: 10.21209/2227-9245-2022-28-8-70-80
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