Article name Rusophobia narrative as the tool of political influencе (Part II)
Bibliographic description
Category Politology
DOI 32. 019. 5
DOI 10.21209/2227-9245-2022-28-8-63-69
Article type
Annotation In article the essence of Rusophobia is considered, the demand of Rusophobia narrative is shown by modern sociopolitical and economic realities. The importance Rusophobia trend in the politics of the West European states is underlined. The mechanisms of using Russophobia to achieve specific political and economic goals are disclosed. The conditions of Russophobia\'s transformation into a systemic trend, into the ideology of the elites and the practice of everyday life are examined. The role of liberalism in the spread of Russophobia is revealed and the characteristics of modern \"liberal imperialism\" appealing to the Russophobic narrative are given. The evolution of \"Russian\" Russophobia is traced, the influence of liberal attitudes and mythologemes on the process of its formation among a certain part of the Russian political, economic and cultural intelligentsia is shown. The mechanisms of introducing Russophobia into individual and mass consciousness are revealed, and the role of social structures of different nature  informational, media, sociocultural, as well as practices of manipulating the collective consciousness  in these processes is emphasized. The ideology, politics and ethics of Western pragmatism are investigated, and its role in implanting and spreading Russophobic sentiments is revealed. The social essence of derusification is analyzed and different forms of its manifestations are examined. Attention is focused on the phenomenon of patriotism and the analysis of factors contributing to its actualization is given. The phenomenon of Russophobia is the object of research, the subject of the research is the meaning and peculiarities of the influence of Russophobia as a tool of socio-political influence. The purpose of the research is to analyze the essence of Russophobic narrative, to reveal the essence of negative and destructive consequences caused by it. The realization of the goal is carried out on the basis of the methodological principles of objectivity and concreteness, the use of systematic and comparative approaches.
Key words Rusophobia narrative; liberalism; atlantism; sanction; derusification; assimilation; mainstream; patriotism; cosmopolitism; «the fifth column»
Article information Napsо M. Rusophobia narrative as the tool of political influencе (part II) // Transbaikal State University Journal, 2022, vol. 28, no. 7, pp. 63-69. DOI: 10.21209/2227-9245-2022-28-8-63-69
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