Article name Some Aspects of Russophobia Issues (Part I)
Bibliographic description
Category Politology
DOI 32. 019. 5
DOI 10.21209/2227-9245-2022-28-8-57-62
Article type
Annotation In the article the questions concerning a phenomenon of Russophobia are investigated. The analysis of concept of Russophobia is given, its basic characteristics reveal, evolution Russophobia a trend is shown. The attention to the analysis of the conditions generating Russophobia installations and moods is focused. Russophobia is considered as an ethnophobia version, factors and the reasons promoting distribution Russophobia ideologeme are revealed. Character of negative consequences of Russophobia and their influence on society and individual life is traced. Russophobia is shown in various \"images\" – as ideology, as outlook, as concrete social practice. The influence of an ethnocultural trend on occurrence Russophobia narrative is described. The Russophobia demand is shown by modern sociopolitical and economic realities. Russophobia is investigated in a context of events occurring in the Ukraine, is considered as the tool of achievement of specific goals. The Russophobia role in creation of negative images of other culture, identity, mentality, a way of life, system moral and cultural wealth comes to light. Influence of ideas of national exclusiveness and the superiority on Russophobia formation as ideologies is investigated. The attention to possibilities Russophobia outlooks is paid to create wide scale of socially-psychological and emotional statuses of destructive character. The phenomenon of \"culture of cancellation» is analyzed, the role of Russophobia as a way of its statement is shown. The object of the research is the Russophobia phenomenon, and the subject – some aspects of a problematics of Russophobia. The purpose of the article consists in the analysis of conditions and the factors promoting formation of Russophobia as ideology and outlook. The realization of the given purpose assumes use of corresponding methodological toolkit in which quality system and valuable approaches act.
Key words еthnophobia; Russophobia; westernism; liberalism; traditional culture; «culture of cancellation»; ideologeme; discrimination; national exclusiveness; elite
Article information Napsо M. Some Aspects of Russophobia Issues (Part I) // Transbaikal State University Journal, 2022, vol. 28, no. 7, pp. 57-62. DOI: 10.21209/2227-9245-2022-28-8-57-62
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Full articleSome Aspects of Russophobia Issues (Part I)