Authors Argylov N.. candidate of political sciences, researcher,
Bibliographic description
Category Politology
DOI 001.92:378(571.6)
DOI 10.21209/2227-9245-2022-28-7-52-62
Article type
Annotation The article discusses highly qualified personnel training in modern conditions of the Far East. The subject of the research is highly qualified personnel training specifics in the Far East. The purpose of the research is to determine the specifics and problems of qualified personnel reproduction in the Russian Far Eastern Federal District educational and scientific system. The analysis results aimed at studying specifics and problems of personnel reproduction in educational and scientific system of the Russian Far Eastern Federal District are presented. During the analysis, the author has concluded that the regional indicators in postgraduate training field are not unambiguous - on one hand, there is an increase in quality scientific research, including international journals, while the number of young researchers does not increase, which is an acute regional problem. It is also concluded that graduate students research training features in modern conditions are in close interdependence with population life socio-economic indicators. The reason for decline in science and education institutions performance is the general youth interest decrease in higher education system. Difficulties in implementation of young scientists’ research work are largely associated with insufficient science and education institutions funding. Thus, the most effective method of solving highly qualified personnel shortage issue in the context of growing need for economy in them is to stimulate scientific sphere funding. Moreover, it is important to constantly improve educational policy to increase the graduate school overall attractiveness for students, which can be carried out through a high level of material incentives for researchers and through a comprehensive in information campaign in this direct
Key words Keywords: social institute, science, postgraduate studies, postgraduates, regional specifics, Far East, scientific policy, highly qualified personnel, information company, educational policy
Article information Argylov N. Problems of reproduction of highly qualified personnel in the Far East: quantitative analysis // Transbaikal State University Journal, 2022, vol. 28, no. 7, pp. 52-62 DOI: 10.21209/2227-9245-2022-28-7-52-62
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