Bibliographic description
Category Economics
DOI 332.05
DOI 10.21209/2227-9245-2022-28-6-127-135
Article type
Annotation The uneven spatial and territorial development is characteristic of the economy of any state, regardless of the current economic system, administrative-territorial structure. The regulation of economic processes at the macro level is significantly complicated by the presence of both lagging and rapidly developing entities, because the overall integrity of the national economy is violated due to the uneven distribution of resources. Intra-regional differentiation, as an objective state of uneven socio-economic development of municipalities, which forms a heterogeneous economic space, should be considered in terms of certain social and economic parameters and consequences. To overcome the negative consequences, it is important to assess intra-regional differentiation, which in turn predetermines the problem of choice: the policy of stimulation or equalization. The object of the research is the socio-economic differentiation of municipalities within the region. The subject of research is the factors and methods of regulating intra-regional differentiation. The purpose of the research is to assess the intra-regional socio-economic differentiation of the region in order to determine the main methods and instruments of the regulatory impact of regional authorities. The methodological basis of the research is the traditional methods of economic statistics, as well as the methods of systemic, cause-and-effect analysis, logical methods (analysis and synthesis, induction and deduction). The research characterizes the groups of indicators that characterize the main aspects of the category \"socio-economic development\", substantiates the methodological aspects of assessing intra-regional differentiation. Based on the materials of the Transbaikal Territory, the region\'s districts were grouped according to population density, unemployment rate, as priority indicators, which made it possible to outline directions for further research into intra-regional heterogeneity, which characterizes, among other things, the effectiveness of local governments. As a result of the study, municipalities have been identified that have a higher development potential, as well as those that are economically weaker subjects. As priority market instruments for regulating territorial development, the authors consider clusters and measures to transform the sectoral structure of the economy. Thus, sustainable economic growth on the scale of the national economy is ensured by stimulating measures at the regional level, provided primarily by smoothing socio-economic differentiation within the region.
Key words Keywords: region, spatial development, economic potential, strategic planning, growth strategy, intraregional differentiation, territorial development, national economy, resource allocation, incentive
Article information Gorodkova S., Imanova A. Intraregional differentiation in socio-economic development of the Transbaikal Territory // Transbaikal State University Journal, 2022, vol. 28, no. 6, pp. 127-135. DOI: 10.21209/2227-9245-2022-28-6-127-135
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