Article name Formation of a new Russian economy in the context of the economic systems’ transformation
Authors Belomestnov I.. ,
Bibliographic description
Category Economics
DOI 332.1
DOI 10.21209/2227-9245-2022-28-6-101-113
Article type
Annotation The article reveals the problems of the impact of the economic systems’ transformation on the Russian economy. It is shown that the modern economy, quite expectedly, but unexpectedly rapidly and with unexpected consequences, has entered the stage of transformation of the world economic system and the construction of a new economic order. The impact of sanctions and embargoes on the economic sectors’ development is revealed. The methods and tools for countering sanctions are considered. The economy interdependence of Russia and foreign non-friendly countries is revealed. The failure of a completely liberal model of market regulation of the economy is shown. Changes in the capital turnover model and the required direction for improving the economic model in accordance with modern conditions are disclosed. The research has been carried out on the dynamics of changes in investment and innovation multipliers in the model of economic growth in Russia, problems and directions of development have been identified. The lessons of modern \"recent\" economic history for the state management of socio-economic development are considered. The problems of transition to a mobilization \"sacrificial\" economy for Russia and foreign non-friendly states as a transitional economy for the adaptation period of the economic systems of states to transformation processes and the development of a new economic model of the future based on new development concepts are considered. The foundations of a new economic model have been formed. The relevance of the transition from the existing development model \"capital - money - capital\" to the model \"resources - innovations - resources\" understood at a new level is shown. The main ideological concepts of the new economic system are considered - ideology, security, sovereignty, policy in economic, social, technological directions. The current essence of the \"new\" categories of the consolidated development of society, government and business is revealed - usefulness and efficiency, honesty and justice, creativity and responsibility, interests and activity. The ethical foundations of a new economic model formation of Russia are shown, including the Russian fusion of the \"new\" national mentality and the factors of the new passionarity of Russia. It is determined that Russia has potential behavioral preferences in the effective implementation of programs and projects for the transformation of economic systems.
Key words Key words: transformation of economic systems, sanctions, socio-economic development, mobilization \"sacrificial\" economy, ideological concepts of the new economic system, ideology, security, sovereignty, politics, categories of consolidated development of society, government and business, usefulness, efficiency, honesty, justice, creativity, responsibility, interests, activity, ethical foundations for a new economic model formation, national mentality, new passionarity.
Article information Belomestnov V., Belomestnov I. Formation of a new Russian economy in the context of the economic systems’ transformation // Transbaikal State University Journal, 2022, vol. 28, no. 6, pp. 101-113. DOI: 10.21209/2227-9245-2022-28-6-101-113
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Full articleFormation of a new Russian economy in the context of the economic systems’ transformation