Article name Ethnocentrism in modern sociopolitical realities (part I)
Authors Napso M.D. doctor of sociological sciences, professor,
Bibliographic description
Category Politology
DOI 141.2
DOI 10.21209/2227-9245-2022-28-5-63-69
Article type
Annotation The problems of ethnocentrism are investigated, and the sociopolitical conditions of its relevance to contemporary realities are revealed. The specificity of ethnocentric consciousness and worldview is shown, and its role as a tool of national identification of an ethnic group is analyzed. The dependence of ethnocentrism maintenance on concrete historical conditions is underlined. Inconsistent character of ethnocentrism is investigated and the presence of positive and negative features in it is indicated. The duality of the socio-political and cultural nature of ethnocentrism is revealed by comparing the functions it fulfills: unification and opposition, which under certain conditions develops into an instrument of separation. The role of ethnocentric attitudes and stereotypes in the formation of a positive image of one\'s own ethnic group, its cultural and national values is traced. The negative nature of absolutized ethnocentrism is shown, as a result of which feelings of intra-ethnic superiority, on the one hand, and prejudice and antagonism towards representatives of other nations, on the other, arise. The reasons for the emergence of negative forms of ethnocentrism, which in practice can lead to manifestations of extremism, nationalism, and chauvinism, are analyzed. The object of the research is the analysis of ethnocentrism phenomenon, and the subject is presented by sociopolitical consequences of such ethnocentrism which leads to various displays of social alienation and opposition. The purpose of the article is to research the essence of the ethnocentrism possessing property of sociopolitical and psychological regulation. The realization of the given purpose assumes the decision of some problems: 1) identify the conditions predisposing to the emergence of ethnocentrism ideology; 2) consider the factors that actualize the attitudes of ethnocentric ideology. Research methodology: the article is based on the use of dialectical approach to the problem in question, methods of analysis and synthesis, systematicity, concreteness, comparison
Key words Keywords: ethnocentrism; ethnocentrist outlook;negative ethnocentrism; \"we-groups\"; \"they-groups\"; national interest; national consciousness; national identity; idea of the superiority; nationalism
Article information Naps。M. Ethnocentrism in modern sociopolitical realities (part I)//Transbaikal State University Journal, 2022, vol. 28, no. 5, pp. 63-69. DOI: 10.21209/2227-9245-2022-28-5-63-69.
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Full articleEthnocentrism in modern sociopolitical realities (part I)