Annotation |
The paper explores approaches to defining the definition of \"digitalization\" in the following main areas: legal, economic, psychological and pedagogical, as well as social and humanitarian sectors. The author mentions the role and significance of the influence of digitalization on the social relations of our time, analyzes the positions of researchers to determine the semantic content of the definition under consideration. To solve the problems identified in the work, the author highlights the relevance of studying approaches to defining the definition of \"digitalization\" in political science, applied general theoretical research methods, studied and analyzed the legislative framework of the Russian Federation, the positions of scientists on the significance and impact of digitalization on various spheres of public life. Based on the results of the work carried out by the author on the above issue, conclusions were drawn about the role and significance of digitalization in the 21st century, individual positions of researchers were identified in order to determine the meaning of the term under consideration, distinctive features were identified, and the author\'s approach to defining the definition of \"digitalization\" was proposed. In addition, it is proposed to establish this definition at the legislative level. The object of the study is definition of \"digitalization\". The subject is definition of the content of \"digitalization\" The purpose of the article is research and analysis definition of the unified content of the definition of \"digitalization\" in the Russian Federation. Research methodology. In order to achieve these goals and objectives of the study, the author applied general theoretical scientific methods - from analysis to generalization of the scientific base on the consideration of approaches to the concept of \"digitalization\" in various directions of the designated problem (economic, legal, social, and others). General scientific methods (analysis of the legal and doctrinal framework) are used to research and search for a unified definition of the content of the term \"digitalization\" |
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