Article name The Beginning of a New Electoral Cycle: Prospects and First Results
Authors Budaev B.. ,
Bibliographic description
Category Politology
DOI 329. 324
DOI 10.21209/2227-9245-2022-28-5-37-48
Article type
Annotation The article is devoted to assessing the impact of innovations in electoral competitive processes in the regions of the Far Eastern Federal District. The purpose of the study is to identify electoral techniques and mechanisms that increase the manageability of regional political processes. The authors draw attention to changes in electoral turnout indicators, for example, the proportion of people who voted \"outside\". Highlighting against this background the overestimated indicators of the Transbaikal Territory and the Jewish Autonomous Region, which indicates the high importance of the administrative resource in the elections. The elections to the State Duma in 2021 became the second in a row after changes were made to the mechanism for its formation, which gives grounds for studying the dynamics of electoral indicators of the correspondence between the results of elections in the majoritarian and proportional parts. Based on the \"correspondence index\", the authors assess how \"stable\" the regional party system is in the subjects of the Far Eastern Federal District. On a single voting day in the fall of 2021, elections to the regional parliaments of the subjects of the Far Eastern Federal District were held: Primorsky and Kamchatka Territories, the Amur Region, the Jewish Autonomous Region and the Chukotka Autonomous Okrug. Against this background, it should be noted the changes made to the scheme for the formation of the parliaments of the Primorsky Territory and the Amur Region. In these subjects of the Far Eastern Federal District, the proportion of parliamentarians elected by the proportional part of the electoral system was reduced. According to the authors, this fact made it possible to increase the controllability of the parliament, since it depoliticized it, in addition, due to this, the proportion of people belonging to the faction of the party in power increases, which is largely confirmed by the data on their quantitative composition. Of particular interest in the fall of 2021 was the election of the governor of the Khabarovsk region, at which Acting M.V. Degtyarev had to justify the trust of the federal government. The intrigue of the elections largely consisted in the fact that the main candidates for the post of head did not represent the interests of the party in power and both were “Varangians” in relation to the region. Under such conditions, the federal center, according to the authors, was ready to go to great lengths to stabilize the political regime. A new electoral cycle begins in difficult foreign policy conditions, which, as the authors note, can radically change the situation in the regions of Russia
Key words Key words: electoral cycle in the Far Eastern Federal District, manipulation of voter turnout, regional branches of parties, regional parliaments, controllability of regional parliaments, correspondence of electoral indicators for the majoritarian and proportional parts of elections to the State Duma, political elite in the regions of the Far Eastern Federal District, first results, prospects, innovations
Article information Budaev B, Dorzhieva I. The Beginning of a New Electoral Cycle: Prospects and First Results // Transbaikal State University Journal, 2022, vol. 28, no. 5, pp. 37-48. DOI: 10.21209/2227-9245-2022-28-5-37-48.
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Full articleThe Beginning of a New Electoral Cycle: Prospects and First Results