Article name Influence of the material and granulometric composition of hydrogenic ores on the intensity of deposition of colmatants during underground borehole leaching
Authors Mikhailov A.. ,
Bibliographic description
Category Earth science
DOI 622.775
DOI 10.21209/2227-9245-2022-28-5-28-36
Article type
Annotation During the development of hydrogenous uranium deposits using the in-situ well leaching method, there is a gradual loss of productivity of technological wells. This phenomenon is caused by coltmation processes in the productive formation. The most negative impact on the loss of well productivity has mechanical and chemical types of colmatation. Mechanical kolmatation is related to the accumulation of thin clay particles in the near-filter zone of injection wells, which plug up the near-filter space. Chemical kolmatation is the deposition of chemical compounds formed during destruction of rock-forming minerals of the productive formation in the near-wellbore zone by sulfuric acid. Earlier studies of these phenomena showed a direct relationship between the intensity of colmatants’ formation and the material composition of rock-forming minerals composing the host rocks of hydrogenous deposits and their granulometric composition. Each deposit is characterized by a specific set of mining-geological and granulometric parameters, so the colmatation processes for each deposit are individual. This article is devoted to establishing the correlation between the intensity of colmatation processes in the deposits of the Khiagda ore field and their characteristics. The object of the study - technological installations for in-situ borehole leaching. The research objectives are to establish the intensity of colmatation phenomena in the near-filter zone of technological wells and to develop regimes of repair and restoration work with reference to mining and geological and hydrogeological conditions of deposits of Khiagda ore field. The research methodology are presented by collection of information, its chemical and statistical processing and establishment of connection between the material and granulometric composition of ores in order to predict colmatation phenomena. The following research methods: chemical and granulometric analysis of processes occurring during underground borehole leaching of hydrogenous uranium ores, mathematical and statistical analysis of the results, simulation of processes of sedimentation and liquidation of colmatants from the filter zone of technological wells have been used.
Key words Keywords: downhole in-situ leaching, , process well, productive solution, injection well, pumping well, well flow rate, filtration coefficient, well injectivity, mechanical colmatation, chemical colmatation, rock-forming minerals, colmatants, near-field zone, sulfuric acid, extravioimpulse, hydrochloric acid, ammonium bischofite
Article information Mikhailov A., Ovseychuk V. Influence of the material and granulometric composition of hydrogenic ores on the intensity of deposition of colmatants during underground borehole leaching // Transbaikal State University Journal, 2022, vol. 28, no. 5, pp. 28–36. DOI: 10.21209/2227-9245-2022-28-5-28-36
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Full articleInfluence of the material and granulometric composition of hydrogenic ores on the intensity of deposition of colmatants during underground borehole leaching