Article name Determination of optimal parameters of hydrogenous deposit development systems by in-situ borehole leaching method
Authors Mikhailov A.. ,
Ovseychuk V.. ,
Bibliographic description
Category Earth science
DOI УДК 622.775
DOI 10.21209/2227-9245-2022-28-5-19-27
Article type
Annotation When developing hydrogenous uranium deposits by in-situ well leaching, development systems with different arrangement of technological wells are used. The most common are in-line schemes with transverse or longitudinal arrangement of wells relative to the strike of ore deposits due to their simple construction of technological cells. Less common are schemes with a hexagonal form of technological cell. The object of the study is technological installations for in-situ borehole leaching. The purpose of the study is to scientifically substantiate the possibility of increasing the development efficiency of uranium deposits localized in loose sediments. The research objectives are to establish the optimal parameters of technological cells, allowing to reduce costs and increase the recovery factor of uranium in the productive solution. The research methodology is presented by collected information, mathematical-statistical processing and establishing a link between the parameters of the technological cell and technological and economic parameters of the leaching. The following research methods: mathematical and statistical analysis, modeling processes of in-situ borehole leaching have been used. The described schemes have been tested at the deposits of Khiagda ore field. Experimental work has not revealed any clear advantages of one or the other system in terms of its technological parameters. In order to select the optimal mining option, additional research is required, taking into account the accumulated knowledge about the structure of Khiagda type deposits, which are united in a single ore field by their mining, geological, hydrogeological and technological characteristics. For these purposes, mathematical modeling of the leaching process of hydrogenous ores with averaged characteristics has been carried out. The results of this simulation are presented in this article
Key words Key words: in-situ leaching, hexagonal cell, cell radius, row cell, process well, productive solution, polygon, injection well, pumping well, well flow rate, filtration coefficient, well capacity
Article information Mikhailov A., Ovseychuk V. Determination of optimal parameters of hydrogenous deposit development systems by in-situ borehole leaching method // Transbaikal State University Journal, 2022, vol. 28, no. 5, pp. 19–27.DOI: 10.21209/2227-9245-2022-28-5-19-27
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Full articleDetermination of optimal parameters of hydrogenous deposit development systems by in-situ borehole leaching method